Chapter 16 Meet Death

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The past couple days have been relatively normal. The only difference is that Peter has been studying nonstop for his math final. He'll be studying after I go to sleep and studying when I wake up in the morning.

Only once was that effect of an all nighter.

After I found that out, I made sure he knew to get sleep each night. I am not going to have him pass out on me because of lack of sleep.

I have also learned that when Peter gets too into studying, he forgets to eat. So I've been bringing him food every day. Like right now, I open our door and walk over to Peter, putting his plate down next to him. I've adopted only using one crutch, so I can carry things in the other hand.

He doesn't even look up at me.


He finally stops. "Oh. Thanks." He starts to eat the sandwich.

I kiss him on the head and leave him to it.

He's trying so hard to pass this class. It may have seemed like he was slacking before, but now he's got this determination to pass this class. I'm proud of him for doing this. I know how much he struggles with math.

I meet Orion in the hallway, well, stumble into him, and almost fall.

He catches me just in time.

Maybe only using one crutch isn't the best idea.

"I have to go to the office real quick," he says. "Would you like to come with me? See the office?"

I blink,  wondering why he would want me there, but agreeing nonetheless. Being stuck in this house for days on end isn't as glamorous as I thought it would be.

I make sure to grab the other crutch before we leave.

The drive there is almost silent. The car radio plays some soft music in the background as the scenery flies by.

"Why do you need to go into work so late in the day anyway?" I ask, cautious as to whether he's okay with me asking him questions or not.

"Some agreement went wrong, and now the investors are threatening to sue me." He shrugs.

"Isn't that bad?" I ask, wondering why the hell he's so calm about it.

"It could be bad, yeah, but I can fix it, so I'm not worried."

"What is it that you even do?" I ask, just now realizing that I don't know.

"Health and Technology. Which basically means I do the technology behind the medicine."

"That's... cool?"

He chuckles. "Don't worry. It's not for everybody. But it pays the bills, and since I own the company, I can divvy work to everyone else and spend more time with you guys."

I look out the window, so he can't see me smile. "It's farther away than I thought," I say, noticing how long we've been driving.

"It's only a half hour away."

I squint my eyes. "Yeah. I should let you know that I suck at directions, distances, and estimating time so..."

He laughs and glances over at my foot.

I wrapped it in a cloth brace this morning to make sure my ankle is okay as well as to cover up the bruising. It's a really puke shade of blue and purple right now. Like a very drunk rainbow threw up on my foot.

"Are the crutches still working?"

I shrug. "Yeah. I'm happy you got them for me. I'm glad I can walk by myself. Needing you guys to carry me everywhere was kind of tiring. And I'm really heavy."

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