Chapter 6 Sugar Rolls and Village Idiots

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The confusion from before doesn't go away as I skip dinner, not ready to face anyone, and it only intensifies as Peter comes into his room after dinner. We don't talk as he gets ready. I lay facing the wall, so I don't see him come over, but I feel him when he lays down on the bed with me. I don't tense up, but I do feel weird with him next to me.

"I'm sorry, Blythe," Peter says. "I didn't mean to make you mad at me."

"I'm not mad at you," I say, still not turning to face him.

"Then why didn't you come down for dinner, and why aren't you looking at me right now?"

I turn to face him, and I'm surprised about how close he is to me. But I swallow my unease and say, "I'm not mad at you."

Tears come to his eyes, and I panic. I don't deal well with others crying. "Oh my god, are you okay? What happened? I'm sorry for whatever I did." I put my hands in front of me, not sure if I should like hug him or pat his shoulder or what. I really am useless when it comes to this.

He wipes his eyes and smiles. "I'm fine, Blythe. I'm just glad that you're not mad at me. How are you though? We were all pretty worried when you didn't show up for dinner."

I look away. "I don't know," I mumble, still not used to talking about me. "Still trying to process, I guess." I think back to it. My heart flutters, but it's not a bad feeling. And that terrifies me. "What time is it?"

Peter turns over and looks at the clock. "Ten thirty ish. Why?"

I sit up and climb out of the bed. "I don't feel like laying down, so I'm gonna go find some food. I did skip dinner."

Peter climbs out too. "I'll come with."

I don't want him to, but I don't say anything and go out the door. Peter follows. Together, we sneak down to the kitchen. I look around the kitchen and come up with some cheese and crackers. I make a plate full in case Peter wants some and then follow him down to the basement when he motions me to.

"We can watch a movie down here until we get tired." We make ourselves comfortable on the couch, surrounded in blankets because it's chilly down here, and Peter starts playing Avengers.

I look at him, and he sees me.

"Yeah yeah, I know. Name or no, this is my favourite movie. So shh."

I munch on the cheese and crackers while the movie plays, and just like I thought, Peter steals some to eat.

After the movie ends, the next one automatically plays, and when that one ends, the next one plays. I'm halfway lying down on top of a passed out Peter, and I close my tired eyes, trying to sleep but can't. Why would Peter do that? To prove a point? To mess with me? To make fun of me?

I can't get hurt anymore. I won't.


I hear a click.

"Oh, crap. I left the sound on."

"Well, turn it off," someone whisper yells. "You'll wake them up."

I groan and try to move, but something is holding me back. I squint my eyes open. Or someone. Peter is still sleeping, but his arms are wrapped around me, preventing me from moving. I groan again and roll over to see Sam and Dev standing over us. Dev wears a devilish grin and has a phone in his hand.

"Morning, Blythe."

My eyes open wide, and I quickly sit up, accidentally throwing Peter off the couch in the process.

He rolls around on the floor and groans.

Dev laughs while Sam sits down beside me. "Sorry about scaring you. We didn't mean to."

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