Chapter 26 Questions, Questions

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The morning afterward, I had a massive headache. I kept crying long after we had gone to bed. Everything felt like it was crashing down. I couldn't stop crying.

The others stayed with me though, and honestly, that's probably why I kept crying. People say a lot of things, but no one ever acts on those words. They did.

And ever since I woke up, someone has stayed with me. Old Blythe would've snapped at them—told them to leave me the hell alone, but now I welcome their company. I don't want to be by myself anymore.

I stay in Orion's bed most of the morning. The blinds are closed, and I'm laying down with my head pressed against Peter's stomach. He lays next to me, rubbing my head.

We've laid here since I woke up, and now I feel pathetic.

The emotions from last night have started wearing off, and now I feel exhausted, embarrassed, and panicked. I want to jump up, run around, and scream, but my body won't move. If the house caught fire, I would lay here and burn to death.

"Are you feeling better, Blythe?" Peter asks.

I nod, but don't say anything, and he goes back to rubbing my head. I hear the door open and then Sam says, "I have lunch. I brought crackers and ginger ale." I hear Sam walk in and place something on the nightstand.

"I'm not sick," I mumble.

"Yeah, I know." Sam sits down next to my back. "How are you feeling?"

I untangle myself from Peter and roll over to see Sam. "As great as anyone would feel after getting hit by a train."

Sam smiles. "That well, huh?"

"Just give me the food."

He chuckles and puts the plate on his lap.

I sit up, and he hands me the crackers. I eat them without further complaint because I am actually hungry. I guess crying will do that.

Sam and Peter stay silent while I eat the crackers and drink the ginger ale—even though I hate soda—because Sam insists that I do. I can feel their worried stares, but I just lean on Sam and ignore them. I would be worried about someone too if they spent their night crying their eyes out.

I finish the food, and Sam takes the plate and leaves. I flop onto Peter then.

He laughs. "Am I as comfy as Sam?"

I shrug. "Not really."

He laughs again and wraps his arms around me.

It still feels weird to me to have another person touch me—even in a nonsexual way. My brothers and I huddled close to each other during our late night talks, and sure my dad hugged me now and then, but on a daily basis, I was alone. Dad was always away on business trips, Cody and Collin hid away, and then Colt left. The only person I had was mom, and she's not one for touchy feely things.

Honestly, the only thing running through my head is how soft Peter's skin is. I can't stop running my hand up and down his arm.

My skin is probably rough and dry and scaly. I don't even know why he would want to touch me.

And what should I do? Do I hug him back? Do I hold his hand or something? Do I just lay here? I kinda just want to lay here. I don't feel like moving at all today. Or tomorrow. Or any day actually.

The door opens, and everyone piles into the room. I sit up as Jax hands me a bowl of ice cream. He sits next to me as Orion and Lincoln pile onto Peter's other side. Sam and Dev climb over us and get comfy. The TV turns on, and I immediately recognize the intro music. How To Train Your Dragon comes on, and I finally realize what's going on.

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