Chapter 33 Overheating

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It is sweltering hot outside today, like bad even for the south, and Orion wants to garden, Peter wants to bike, and Dev wants to go running. Like, can't someone just want to stay inside for once? I hate the heat, and I hate bugs, and the humidity frizzes the fuck out of my hair. Why do we have to live in the south? Why can't this entire house just grow legs and walk up north?

I smack my head on the cold marble of the island where Orion fills up a bottle of water. "I'm bored," I whine.

"Why don't you go with one of the others on a run or go biking?"

I glare up at him.

He smiles. "Okay, okay. Well, Jax and Lincoln are working, so you might not want to disturb them. Go see what Sam's doing. I think he said something about a movie marathon on the hottest day of the year."

That perks me up. Finally, a sane person actually lives here. "Thanks," I call back as I head to the basement. Like Orion said, I see Sam sitting on the couch, shoving popcorn in his mouth and staring at the screen. I sit down next to him, fully intent on watching this with him, when I see Star Wars playing. Now, don't get me wrong, Star Wars is cool and everything, but it's not my thing, so I mentally groan and head back upstairs. Orion stops right as he gets to the door that leads to the backyard.

"Did Sam send you away?" he asks with a grin.

"No," I say, pouting. "He's watching Star Wars."

"You don't like Star Wars?"

"Not particularly."

He laughs. "Well, you can always come out with me. I don't mind the company."

"It's like a bazillion degrees outside."

"C'mon, it'll be fun. You don't even have to help. You can just sit under the tree out there and keep me company?"

"Fine," I say and head out after him. I take one step outside and realize that it is so much hotter than a bazillion degrees out here. I swear I can hear the grass crying out in pain. I'm kinda regretting wearing dark colours today, but nonetheless, I follow Orion to the side of the house where a tiny jungle sits boxed in wood.

"Yeah. I haven't done anything with the garden in a while, so it's a bit overgrown."

"A bit?"

"I have to clean it up today." Ignoring me, he pulls out a bandana and wraps it around his head. He hops over the tiny fence that wraps his garden and starts working on pulling up the weeds and fixing the plants inside it.

I see a peach tree beside the garden and make my way over. I sit down under the tree and watch Orion work. It's hot, and soon I start sweating. I hate sweating. I am highly regretting this decision.

But then Orion takes his shirt off.

I can't place what I feel, but I feel something.

And it is strong.




Orion stands there, with a devilish grin on his face, and says, "Where's your mind? I've had to call your name four times already."

"Oh, um..." I stand up and look anywhere but at him. "Did you need something?" I ask, feeling a lot hotter than I was two seconds before.

"I forgot to get the pitchfork from the garage. I was wondering if you could go get it for me?"

"Uh, yeah sure. I'll be right back." I squint in the sun as I walk around the house and to the garage. Luckily, it's already open, so I find the pitchfork and take it back to Orion.

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