Chapter 46 Summer Bonding

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The next couple days, I wake up at seven in the morning to go to work with my dad. I spend the day at the office with him, helping out when I can and playing on my switch when I can't. I still take all of my stuff with me each day just in case mom does something.

The morning after everything happened, mom was fine. She didn't mention anything about that day, and I didn't either. This is what always happens after we fight. We never apologize, try to make things better, or even speak about it.

It's not healthy, but it's what I'm used to, so I don't try to change it. Besides, she doesn't care what I have to say.

Cody is acting about the same as mom. He hasn't mentioned anything either, but he also hasn't asked to hang out with me. No more Poptropica nights, and no more TV show binges.

Collin hasn't acted much differently either. I don't even know if he read the book I told him about or not.

As soon as I think those words, there's a knock on my door. Dad and I had a light day and left the office early, so I'm home earlier than normal.

I let Collin in.

"How dare you do that to me?" he demands, and I can't tell if he's joking or not.


"That cliffhanger," he says, and I bust out laughing, finally catching onto what he's talking about. He read the book. "Don't laugh!"

"Sorry, sorry," I say and wipe a tear.

"You did that on purpose." He points at me.

I put my hands up. "But you liked it, didn't you?"

He throws his hands up. "Liked it? I loved it. It was amazing. And I want to kill you."

"I'm okay with that." I sit on my mattress, and he lays on the floor. "Favourite character. Go."

"Crash. You?"

"Flicker. Why Crash?"

"She's a murderous badass. Besides, have you seen her?"

I laugh. "She's a fictional character. You can't see her."

He deadpans. "You know what I mean."

I roll my eyes. "I do."

"Why do you like Flicker?" he asks, genuinely curious.

"Because she's amazing, and her powers are so cool. Did you like the ending?"

"No, I did not!" he says, getting up and tackling me on the bed. He gets his arm around my neck and puts me in a chokehold, actually cutting off my air supply. "How dare you leave me with such a cliffhanger."

I can't stop laughing as I tap his arm, trying to get air into my lungs.

He eventually lets me go, but I can't stop laughing. He hits me and tries to glare, but I know he's not actually that mad at me.

"You better be happy. When I read the book, the second one wasn't out yet, so I had to wait."

He puts his hand up, completely serious now. "Wait. There's a second one?"

I hum and nod. "It's called Swarm. And a third called Nexus."

He nods and gets up without another word. "Bye." He leaves.

I laugh to myself, completely understanding his obsession. I wonder if he'll love them as much as I do.

Later that night, I knock on Collin's door.

"Come in," he says, and I crack the door open and pop my head in. I haven't seen his room since I left, and it's changed so much. His walls are now a light grey, and he has a bunk bed with a desk beneath it. Fairy lights circle his room, and there's a hanging chair in the corner. I look to my left and see his shelf of pop figures that I know he likes. Something above the window catches my eye, and I look at it to see a tiny canvas with something painted on it.

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