Chapter 32 Me Time

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I have spent the last several days hanging out with the others as much as possible. We would hang out all day, cuddle at night, wake up together, and do the entire thing over again.

Honestly, it's been fun. I've enjoyed myself.

After what happened with the tropical storm (which I learned the next morning how serious that is), we all kind of bonded together. It's the first time since being here that I genuinely feel like I fit in and belong here. My old life seems like a scattered memory of anxiousness and hiding—a dream that is fading away with time—and I could not be happier.

Jax got a call yesterday that Annabelle woke up and that she'll be fine. He spent the entire day with her and cried when he got back. That'll be the second time I've seen Jax cry. Thankfully for me, the others were there to comfort him with his tears. I do not think I will ever figure out what to do when someone is crying.

Everything is going great! But I can't help the feeling of being overwhelmed with everything. Hanging out is fine and stuff, maybe even some kissing here and there, but I need some "me" time too. I just don't know how to tell them that without them hating me and kicking me out.

I would tell that to mom and then she would yell at me that I don't love her anymore. I don't want the others thinking that. I don't want them to think I don't care about them. I want some me time, but I don't want to hurt their feelings, and I don't know what to do.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Sam asks, climbing into bed and sitting right next to me.

"Nothing," I say and scoot out of bed, suddenly feeling antsy. "I'm gonna go get dressed." I hurry upstairs and change into some clothes.

Peter barges in and scares me so much that I jump, banging my head on the wall. I grab it and groan, right as Peter sees me.

"Blythe?! Are you okay? Do you have a headache?" He rushes over to the blinds and shuts them closed.

I can actually roll with this. "Yeah," I mumble out, still squinting my eyes even though the pain is long gone.

"Why didn't you tell anyone? Hurry. Lay down, and I'll get you some water." He steers me into my bed, and I lay down as he leaves the room.

I sigh into my pillow. This is not exactly how I want this to happen, but if everyone thinks I'm not feeling well, then they'll leave me alone, right?

Peter comes back with the water and makes me drink all of it. "I've told the others about your headache, so they'll be here shortly to keep you company!" His smile could break his face.

"What?" I ask. "Um, shouldn't I have some quiet?"

"Of course not," he says and gets up with the empty glass. "Everyone knows that headaches are boring. And people always make things fun." He leaves, and I groan.

You have got to be kidding me.

Like Peter said, the others slowly trickle in, taking spots on the bed and on the floor. Sam and Lincoln look worried, but other than that, everyone else looks normal. They all start talking, but I curl up with my back to them, hoping they'll get the hint.

They don't.

"So then I was like," Peter goes on, "'You're stupid' and he said—"

"That's not a comeback!" Sam says on que.

"Exactly. But, c'mon, guys. Who actually likes the Walking Dead?"

I assume people raise their hands because I don't hear anything except Peter gasping and saying, "How dare you?!" I pull the comforters up and over my head, but their voices carry through it, and I don't think I can stand any more. I throw the covers off and get up, making everyone shut up and look at me.

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