Chapter 38 Eye of the Storm

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I wake up in my bed in the morning, and for one blissful second, everything is how it should be. I get out of bed and go downstairs for breakfast when I hear a certain someone talking, and it all comes back.

"Mornin," I say when I sit down next to Colton. "When did you get here?"

"Hey. A couple minutes. Don't worry. I knew you wouldn't wake up until noon, so I didn't bother trying to come before then."

I shrug and nod. "That's true." I yawn.

Orion places a kiss on my head as he walks behind me, placing a bowl of oatmeal in front of me. "Wake up, Blythe. It's too early to be tired."

"It's too early to be awake," I say back, pushing the bowl away and laying my head on the table.

"It's twelve thirty!" Sam says in shock.

I wave my hand at him, my arms covering my smile, and shush him. I can tell by the snickers that Sam is pouting. I keep my head on the table and listen to everyone else around me. Colt is talking to all of them, and I'm glad that he's getting along with the others. I want them to be friends.

"Do you think Blythe fell back asleep?" I hear Dev ask, and I shoot my head up.

"No!" I say and point at him.

Dev freezes and shoves his hand holding the marker behind his back. "Nothing!"

The others erupt in laughter, but I glare at Dev while I stand up. "I'm going back upstairs."

"I'm going too," Colt says. "Need some brother bonding time."

We head upstairs, and I fall on my bed. For some reason, I'm so tired I could fall asleep right now and sleep until tomorrow morning.

"Still a terrible morning person I see," Colt says and flops down on top of me.

"Get off of me," I say and groan. "I wanna sleeeeeeeeep."

"Nope," he says, and then he's quiet.

I'm almost asleep when he asks a question that has me throwing him off and staring at him in shock.

"Are you dating any of them?"


"Are you dating any of them? I see how you look at them and how they look at you. I'm not blind." He turns to face me and grins like a schoolgirl. "So? Are you?"

"We are not talking about my love life," I say, way beyond embarrassed.

"Oh, yes, we are so talking about your love life! We always end up talking about mine, which is far from boring, but now it's your turn."

I groan and put my hands to my face. "Ugh. I hate you so much sometimes."

He laughs. "Don't care. So am I right? Are you dating any of them?"

I sigh. "All of them," I mumble.

"What was that?"

"All of them," I say louder, but he looks confused. "I'm dating all of them."

His face goes from shock to confusion to awe to a grin. "So what you're saying is that, on your first go, you managed to get six guys?"

I can feel my face heating up. "I guess so. I never thought of it like that." Because I always thought of it as their decision to keep me around or not.

"Nice! I am very impressed right now. My baby brother." He wipes an invisible tear. "Growing up so much."

I smack him.

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