Part 11

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Aizawa growled at his phone and yet again, the class was terrified. Onyx eyes landed on a certain red and white haired teen who remained indifferent, as is his nature for some reason.

"Todoroki, stay back after class. I need to talk to you"

The said boy just nodded, seemingly oblivious to Aizawa's fiery glare that surprisingly softened when their eyes met. However, the class did observe it and it only terrified them more.

After class, Todoroki approached Aizawa who made him sit down on the first bench. Placing a hand on the teen's shoulder, the dark haired man sighed "Is Endeavour abusing you?"

Shocked heterochromatic eyes met Aizawa's dark ones, a sliver of hope dancing among the overbearing viscosity of despair. That only pained the elder more as he crouched down to look at the kid clearly. "You don't have to be afraid, Todoroki. Are you okay at home?"

"I-" the teen started but stopped suddenly, frowning at the teacher "Why do you ask?"

This only elicited a heavy sigh from the elder who dragged a chair to sit beside his student. "I got to know from a source that Endeavour is an abuser. And.. I wasn't sure who the victim was but I see you being so.. distant and hollow. I had a hunch… is it true?"

The dual quirk user remained calm, staring at the bench "and.. and what if it is?" He asked, looking up at the teacher with eyes that definitely betrayed his indifference.

"You don't have to face this alone, Todoroki. You've been through enough already. If you want, we can take action"

"How.. how do you know?"

Aizawa blinked and rubbed his eyes "someone I know dropped hints"

"Such as?"

The elder sighed and took out his phone, scrolling towards the part of the chat where Izuku had renamed Endeavour. Todoroki's eyes widened and he looked at his teacher expectantly "Who-"

"My son"

"You have a son?"

"Not really. I just want to adopt him but this will remain between us, okay?"

The dual quirk user nodded sincerely. Aizawa stood up and hugged Shouto, startling him with the sudden display of affection, causing him to flinch, something that the elder noted almost immediately before soothing him by patting his hair. "I promise to help you, Tod- Shouto. But you'll have to tell me everything so that I can help"

Tears pooled in Shouto's eyes and he hugged Aizawa back, burying his head in the man's torso. He explained everything about his life and he had never seen his sensei look so downright furious, ever.

"I'll make sure you're safe, okay? Trust me" the elder mumbled.

Shouto nodded, happy that someone understood his pain after all these years. A slight frown graced his face "Can.. Can I meet your son?"

Aizawa smiled at the wording… 'your son'.. "He'll be visiting UA tomorrow. You can meet him if it's possible"

"Thank you, Sensei"

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