Part 30

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(A/N sorry for the late update. I was a little busy. This story will end in one more chapter+ Epilogue. Thank you so much for your love and support. Hope you enjoy)


Please keep in mind that All For One is dead and Shigaraki is still childish. He isn't someone with back-up plans or security etc. This is in the early stages of the league's appearance but some members are already an active part though they did not participate in the USJ attack


3:55 AM (Team A: outside LOV base)

"Aizawa-san, Nezu-san and I will be waiting in that building-" Izuku pointed to a nearby apartment complex under construction, "- the drone will follow you inside and when the situation is favourable, I'll launch the quirk cancelling devices"

The sleep deprived hero nodded before sighing, "I still don't understand why you have to be here. Nezu can handle it well on his own. In fact, Majima could have accompanied us too"

"That's because I know this plan better than him. Now's not the time to think about this anyway. We need to wrap things up as soon as possible and head to the lab. The Nomu can't be dealt with by them alone."

"Nugget's right" Hawks butted into the conversation, "we must deal with them right now"

Nezu nodded, "Shigaraki Tomura is rather childish and I'm sure he has got no security systems around from what I've observed. It'll be easy to just barge in but please be careful"

Hawks's feathers returned to him and the hero smiled at the screen in his hands, "four in the living room, Warp gate's in the room to the right. Two more in the rooms to the left"

(A/N I'm only including Shigaraki, Kurogiri, Toga, Twice, Dabi, Mr. Compass and Spinner. They are already members of the league despite Stain being very much active)

"You know what to do, Kamui and Hawks are to restrain the Warp gate person and physically attach the quirk cancelling device onto him. The others will break into the living room while Vlad King and Edgeshot will keep an eye on the ones in the rooms till they enter the living room. Midnight will use her quirk so make sure everyone has their masks on. Eraserhead will temporarily erase their quirks and Izuku-kun will launch the devices as soon as everyone is in the hall. Eraserhead will keep his quirk active till the others restrain the villains and put quirk cancelling cuffs and collars on them for safety. Vlad King, Midnight, Snipe and Ectoplasm will accompany them till they reach the station while the rest of us are to move towards Team B. Am I clear?"

"Yes" came the collective reply.

"Did everyone wear the discs?"


"Alright, Positions" Izuku instructed before Hawks picked him and Nezu up to drop them in the building. The heroes fastened their masks and hurried out.

One minute to attack

Hawks and Kamui floated outside Kurogiri's room. The warp gate user was asleep and the window was slightly open.

Vlad King and Edgeshot, who had landed on the cement slabs created by Cementoss earlier with the help of Hawks, kept a silent watch on Shigaraki and Toga respectively.

Aizawa and the rest of the crew stood outside the living room windows and door, waiting for a signal from their communicators.






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