Meeting All Might pt.3

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(A/N contrary to the title, this chapter has nothing to do with All Might XD. Also, sorry for the late update (^~^;)ゞ)

Frustration. It was an emotion that Izuku was unfamiliar with. He had never been so frustrated in his entire life. Not when he was announced quirkless, not when Katsuki first assaulted him, not when his teachers deliberately failed him in his tests and not even when Katsuki had told him to jump off the roof.

He stormed into his home, throwing his bag on the couch and just fell face-first on his bed. Inko jerked violently while chopping vegetables for Katsudon and turned around just in time to see her usually cheerful son almost sprinting towards his room.

Placing the knife down, Inko let go of her apron and walked towards her son's room. She wasn't a fool. Inko knew what her son was going through and that he was getting bullied everyday. When she confronted him about it one day, he panicked and tried to assure her that everything was alright.

"Mom, everything's alright! I mean, the bullying is sorta normal for a quirkless kid and I'm sure people have it worse. Besides, Kacchan protects me from them! So please don't worry. I'll come to you if things get worse"

Sure she didn't believe him. Why would she? A quirkless kid who's constantly being bullied says he's alright- who in the right mind would believe him? To top it off, Inko is a lawyer. She could practically sniff out suspicion.

Inko was a fierce hound.

After sensing the shift in the dynamic of friendship between her son and Katsuki, she had made it her business to dig deeper not only as a mother but also as an advocate of justice for the discriminated sects of the society and the quirkless. Now, Inko did not become a lawyer with meager skills. She, like her son, was a genius in her own right. Of course, Izuku had taken after both his parents, his deceased father, Hisashi- a scientist, was also a natural born genius. So it wouldn't be a surprise if someone who knew her got the wind of the fact that she… hacked.

Getting into the school cameras was a little harder than she had imagined. She isn't a pro hacker and Aledra had no formidable security. Also, Izuku's bullies apparently had some brains. Only two tapes showed how the bullies, including Katsuki, had assaulted her son in the open corridor. That meant only one thing- the rest of the abuse was either in the blind spots or outside the compound. It took all her willpower to not barge into the Bakugou household and slam Katsuki's head onto the ground the first time she found out about him. Mitsuki and Inko only shared something a little above acquaintance as neighbours before the former moved away and it can't be termed as friendship. As such, she didn't want to associate with the Bakugous anymore. Izuku always kept denying her claims that she didn't believe that Katsuki was helping him and she had no choice but to shut up. No legal authority was accepting the fact that one of the most well-known schools was encouraging bullying. She couldn't exactly produce the evidence she had gathered by breaching the privacy of the school, being a lawyer but even when she finally did, no one cared. Her verbal statements were rejected saying that she was just overreacting about her son.

Honestly, Inko wished she could just sabotage the entire system and throw it into a volcano.

When you're fighting for someone quirkless, you always lose. But that never stopped her from trying constantly. Maybe one day, fate may take pity on her and let her win.

Inko knocked on Izuku's door "Sweetie, are you okay?" She heard small sniffles and sighed. Someone was going to die. "Izuku, I'm coming in"

Hearing no reply, she pushed the door open only to stand horrified at the sight of her son literally cocooned in bedsheets, holding a box of tissues and bawling his eyes out. Not even a second later, she found herself cradling her son's tear-filled face against her chest, rubbing his back and hair.

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