Part 27

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"THE LAB?!" Izuku and Tsukauchi yelled in unison.

The winged hero nodded and took out a small chip from his pocket. "When I found out that you guys were keeping an eye out for the Nomu lab, I asked the Hero Commission's support wing to get me a tracking device and mini cams" he explained, holding out a small cam, "I attached around ten mini cams to my feathers and used them to scan the areas secretly"

Next, Hawks took out a pocket sized hologram projector and inserted the chip in it, "the trackers are embedded in the mini cams so I can keep a track of the cameras as well as their location"

Izuku swooned over the hero's skill while the students swooned over the hero himself. Bakugou looked at Izuku, then at Shouto, then at the Chimera and the sleep deprived caterpillar, and finally at the red winged hero. A tick of annoyance formed on his forehead.


"BAKUGOU!!" Kirishima, Yaoyorozu and Iida yelled at once.

Iida started chopping the air in annoyance, "You can't call a pro hero with such derogatory names! That is not a quality a hero-"

"Oi" Hawks frowned, "Who do you think you're calling Deku, you pomeranian!?"

Ochako, Mina, Hagakure and Mineta struggled to contain their ugly snorts while Sero and Kaminari just burst out laughing.


"Silence" Aizawa commanded, quirk active. "Hawks, continue,"

"Uh wait, I was being hasty but are they all…..?" Keigo asked, pointing to the students.

"Haaii, Keigo-nii! Tsukauchi-san interrogated them!"

"Okay!" The elder chirped, "so I was patrolling the area near Kamino ward and cam 7 showed a shady looking warehouse being guarded by a sketchy dude. I decided to check it out and spied through the window. Here" he tapped a few buttons and an image popped up. Several glass units consisting of different Nomu were connected through large pipe-like wires.

Izuku gasped at the sight while the others looked horrified.

"We have to take it down before they are ready" Hawks said grimly.

Izuku nodded and tapped his chin in thought "but it won't be that easy. Even if the lab is found, we have no idea what they are planning. We don't even know who will be guarding the lab or their quirks. Also, if the information is passed on, the league might appear through the warp guy so we have to be prepared for all the possibilities before we raid the lab"

"That's bad," Kirishima sighed, "Sensei can't erase everyone's quirks. if only there was a way to stop their quirks. It would be so easy."

Izuku's head shot up at the redhead's words and he immediately pulled his phone out.

UA staff Chat

Kitten: @SupportKing
Kitten: @SupportKing

RavenKiller: @SupportKing

Listener: @SupportKing

BadassBlock: @SupportKing

WildWildWest: @SupportKing

IAmHere: @SupportKing

SupportKing is online

SupportKing: WHAT?
SupportKing: Izuku-kun! What happened?!

Kitten: Nanotech.
Kitten: Can you?
Kitten: It's urgent.

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