Part 21

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(A/N: Important: I've changed a small detail in the previous chapter. Instead of asking Izuku to visit after 2 days, Nezu asks him to visit after 5 days. Please check that out)

UA staff Chat

RavenKiller: Izuuukuuuuu!

Kitten: Hai, Auntie Nem?

RavenKiller: You are going to visit us again, right?

Listener: Yeah, little listener. We miss you already!

Kitten: Yes I am, Auntie Nem and Uncle Mic (☆▽☆)

Listener: You call me Hizashi if you want, little listener.

Kitten: Okay, Uncle 'Zashi (✯ᴗ✯)

Dadzawa: For the last time, Zashi, stop squealing with your quirk on. You're gonna render us deaf.

Listener: Sorry, Sho. I couldn't help myself!

BadassBlock: Hello, child. How are you today?

Kitten: Hii Cementoss-san! I'm great and excited!! How are you?

BadassBlock: I'm good as well.

EmperorNugget: Izu!

Kitten: Keigo-Nii!! Hiii!! ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧

EmperorNugget: I'll pick you up that day, Nugget!

Kitten: Okay ^^
Kitten: That reminds me! Would you guys like some drinks or snacks? I can get you whatever you want!

RavenKiller: Aww sweetie, you don't have to do that.

ShadowCloneJujutsu: I agree. You don't have to carry them all the way here, Izuku-kun.

Dadzawa: Don't burden yourself, kitten.

Kitten: It's not a burden at all, Aizawa-san! In fact, I would love to get you all something! I want to! You're all like my family ♡(^-^)

RavenKiller: I-... I think I just died.

Listener: That is so sweet, little listener (TT)

RatSatan: We are honoured that you think of us as your family, Izuku-kun.

Dadzawa: Speak for yourselves, I'm already his dad. Right, Kitten?

Kitten: I would love to have you as my dad, Aizawa-san (๑♡⌓♡๑)

RavenKiller: Scratch Eraserhead, we now have Tomatohead lol😆

Dadzawa: Shut up, Nemuri.
Dadzawa: Thank you, Kitten (^^)

LiarLiar: No offense but doesn't the kid have a mother? I mean, you can't just claim him to be your son, Aizawa-kun.

Dadzawa: Watch me.

IAmHere: I think you need to stop taking things too literally, Tsukauchi. You're too involved in logic and law.
IAmHere: Young Midoriya is happy to have Young Aizawa as a father figure.

Kitten: Thank you, Yagi-san (^^)

Voyd: He just spat out more blood.

WildWildWest: And now he's crying.

IAmHere: He called me Yagi-san (ಥ‿ಥ)

Kitten: ( ╹▽╹ )
Kitten: Also, Tsukauchi-san, I love my mom more than my life. I can never leave her even in my dreams. I don't think you need to be connected by blood or be adopted to call someone a father. Aizawa-san is like a father-figure to me and I'd love to call him dad (◕ᴗ◕✿)

LiarLiar: That's very sweet, Izuku-kun. Sorry for being an idiot.

Dadzawa: My son ;)

Kitten: It's alright, Tsukauchi-san! You didn't offend me ^^

SupportKing: Does that mean AssMight is forgiven?

Kitten: Not completely. I mean, there are people who I'm not at all ready to forgive because they're total jerks. Compared to them, Yagi-san is far better. At least he regrets his words and has apologised!
Kitten: I won't deny that I'm still angry but now that I think of it, he isn't irredeemable too. Everyone deserves a second chance, right? (◍•ᴗ•◍)

RavenKiller: I swear, this kid is a literal angel.

IAmHere: Young Midoriya (ꈨຶ-ꈨຶ)
IAmHere: Thank you so much!

Goddess: Yagi. If you hurt the kid again, I swear I'll kill you myself! Get that?

IAmHere: I would never! I'll protect Young Midoriya with my life!

Dadzawa: Why do I feel weird and fuzzy?
Dadzawa: Also, Yagi, MY SON is giving you another chance so you better watch your stupid ass.

EmperorNugget: I'll be watching you, All Might.

MindHealer: Aizawa-kun, what do you mean by you feel weird and fuzzy?

Listener: Nothing escapes your eyes, eh Inui?

RatSatan: It proves Hound Dog's dedication to work, Yamada-kun.

Dadzawa: It's a warm yet weird, kinda tight feeling in my chest. Like something is inflating?

MindHealer: Do you feel a rush of emotions?

Dadzawa: Kind of
Dadzawa: Am I sick?



Kitten: Ohmygod!! Aizawa-san!? Are you okay? Do you need to go to the hospital?! Should I come with?

Goddess: Dearie, everything's alright. Aizawa is just a little dumb.

Kitten: Huh? (・–・;)ゞ

MindHealer: It's called pride, Aizawa-kun.

Dadzawa: So this is what it feels to be a proud father.

Kitten: A-Aizawa-san (⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄)

Dadzawa: I'm proud of you, Kitten.

Kitten: Thank you, Aizawa-san (༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ)

RavenKiller: Zashi
RavenKiller: Zashi, our depressed grimalkin is a father now! ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
RavenKiller: He's growing up! 😭😭

Listener: Yeahh 😭😭

Dadzawa: Stop being overdramatic.

RavenKiller: And... he's back.

EmperorNugget: I'm so happy for my little nugget!! UwU
EmperorNugget: Hey, Aizawa-san? Does that mean I'm your son too because I'm Nugget's brother?

Dadzawa: No. You're annoying.

EmperorNugget: Mean (ಠ ೧ ಠ)

Dadzawa: You're literally just 8 years younger than me.

(A/N canon Aizawa is 31 and Hawks is 23 as far as I remember so I'm going with it)

EmperorNugget: Right lol!

Kitten: But my mom's ready to take you in if you want, Keigo-nii! ( ╹▽╹ )

EmperorNugget: Say no more! I'm in!!

Kitten: Yay! UwU
Kitten: Also, @Goddess

Goddess: What is it, dearie?

Kitten: Can I… um.. can I call you Grandma Chiyo (^~^;)

Goddess: Of course, dear! I'd love that!

AngelFeeder: This is just too sweet.

BloodLord: I think I find it sweet too.

SupportKing: Woah, that's new!

BloodLord: I do have a heart, Majima.

SupportKing: Great! I'm grabbing a stake.

BloodLord: The vampire jokes are not funny anymore.

Izuku's pro hero family (UA staff chat)Where stories live. Discover now