Part 16

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Izuku met the teachers one by one, successfully giving All Might a cold shoulder. No one saw how the poor skinny dude pouted in heartbreak, not that it would've made any difference because everyone was planning on ways to kill him. Power Loader was resolute on keeping the adorable broccoli away from his favourite pink-haired crackpot. Midnight had an aneurysm due to the sheer cuteness of Izuku and refused to let him go, protesting that she'd drag him into her class. Mic let out a loud squeal when Izuku hugged him, which was heard all over the school.

The greenette was now waiting in Eraserhead's office, carefully observing the monotone of the interior. The teacher would be back in 10 minutes, or so Midnight had estimated. Mic had to drag her away from the room. The poor kid looked traumatized by just how choking her hugs were. The blonde dragged her towards 1-A and knocked on the door. 


Aizawa was honestly tired of his class. He was grading their test papers, stabbing the stack every now and then while the students chatted amongst themselves. Some were singing some lame happy-go-lucky tune, some were throwing things around. Iida, bless the poor mechanical soul, was trying his best to control the class alongside Momo. Luckily, no one was disturbing a certain explosive blonde and Aizawa thanked his stars. He'd snap if Bakugou starts yelling again. 

He sighed, rounding off Bakugou's score to 92/100. The fourth highest. Momo had scored 96, Iida 95 and Todoroki 93. He hated how Bakugou had the foulest attitude he'd ever seen and yet the kid was a beast in battle- like an experienced warrior- one of the best Aizawa had ever seen. He posted the marks in the sheet and sighed. They did well, he thought to himself but grimaced at the sight of Mineta's paper. Blank… he was about to call the tiny prune out when he heard a knock on the door. Rolling his eyes he capped the pen and rubbed his eyes "Come in"

The door slid open to reveal an exasperated Mic restraining a protesting Midnight in a full Nelson. The students gaped at the scene, some giggling and some whispering theories. 

"What the hell is going on here?" Aizawa demanded sternly, ceasing her tantrum. 

"He's here! My baby's here, Sho!" She squealed.

"I'm aware"

Mic grinned as he dropped midnight to the floor, earning an oww. "He's the cutest little thing I've seen, Sho!"

"Being that cute should be illegal" The ravenette wailed, still laying flat on the ground.

Aizawa rolled his eyes and sighed. Nemuri could be such a drama queen more often than sometimes. "Alright, it's almost time. You two get going, I'll visit him now"

"He's in your office btw" Mic supplied. Aizawa's eyes widened a little before he nodded. 

"Class dismissed. Your assignments must be on my table by tomorrow" The homeroom teacher commanded. Confused heads bobbed in agreement before filing out of the class. 

As Todoroki approached the teacher, he checked the surroundings and cleared his throat "Sensei, is he here?"

Aizawa let a very small smile grace his lips and nodded "Although I'm not sure if I can just introduce you all of a sudden. I'll ask him if it's okay and if he agrees, I'll call for you. Alright?"

Shouto nodded and walked away, heart thudding with excitement on the prospect of meeting his savior-of-sorts. Aizawa sighed and locked his classroom before heading towards his office. Placing his hand on the knob, he inhaled and turned it, opening the door. 

Bright green eyes wide with awe clashed with his dark ones and just like that, Aizawa Shouta was in love. 

"AHH!! AIZAWA-SAN!! IT'S YOU!! I FINALLY GET TO MEET YOU!! OH MY GOD!!" Izuku jumped from his seat and hopped towards the adult who had an amused smile on his face "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!! I'M STANDING IN FRONT OF MY FAVOURITE HERO!! AHHH!!"

Shouta chuckled and his hand involuntarily sought the green mop of hair, ruffling them in appreciation, 'It's like a cat's fur' he thought to himself. Unlike the other extroverted idiots of his friend group, Shouta was NOT prepared for THE hug as Izuku (IzUwU) wrapped his arms around his torso. He stilled for a moment, trying to comprehend just what was happening, before awkwardly patting the teen's back, still in a confused daze.

(Weapon: THE hug- Izuku's super cuddly and super warm hug paired with big puppy eyes and the sweetest smile ever. You absolutely cannot do anything against it. Victims may experience lightheadedness, shock due to experience of being in heaven for a few moments and sudden comfortable warmth ;p)

"So you're my kitten" 

Sparks lit up Izuku's eyes as he nodded like a 5 year old. Shouta couldn't help but let his features melt "You really are a kitten"

A lively giggle erupted from Izuku's lips, making Shouta freeze. It was so charming and pleasing to the ears. The elder sighed and placed his stuff on the table before turning to the kid. 

"Have you eaten anything?"

The question felt awkward for Aizawa since the poor man had not the faintest idea as to how to converse informally, especially with a bright-eyed freckled bush.

"Hai!" Izuku chimed "Lunch Rush-san made me Katsudon!"

The hero nodded with a smile "Say, Izuku?"


"Um.. would you mind if I introduce you to Todoroki Shouto? He wanted to meet you"

Izuku's eyes brightened at the prospect of meeting a new friend and he nodded "I would be glad to!"

'How are you so bright?' Shouta mused and took out his phone to call the class rep.

"Iida, please tell Todoroki that I asked him to come to my office. Now"

(A/N just wanted to remind everyone that this story is strictly platonic! No ships! So if any action that I write seems romantic, please consider it as platonic fluff<3 Also, I need THE hug from a cuddly broccoli!! I love hugs <melts into the floor> buh bye!)

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