51 | Barbie Girl

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Chapter Fifty One: Barbie Girl.

Chris drives home with a smile on his face. He can't seem to wipe the smile off his face. He pulls into their driveway, parks and exits the car.

As soon as he steps into the house, Emily welcomes him. Their mum appears from the kitchen.
"You are just in time for dinner."

'What are we having?"

"Your favourite," their mum grins.

"Yay!" Emily cheers and Chris grins at her.

"I can already tell that your day was splendid with that grin on your face," their mum, Kate beams.

Chris tries to stop himself from smiling but he can barely keep his lips straight for ten seconds before it curves back up. "It was. It really was."

"It's because of Stephanie," Emily comments.

Chris walks over to her and ruffles her hair. "Smart pants."

Emily frowns and as usual, swats his hand away.

"Come help me set the table for dinner."

"Yes, mum."

They both help their mum and some minutes later, they're settled down at the table, ready to eat.

"So, tell us about your day. Where did you two go?"

"Well, Hazel insisted that she drive so I made her stop at our spot when I found out that she hadn't had breakfast yet..."

"Our spot?" Kate interrupts.

"It's just a café we usually visit together. It's nothing special ."

"Uh huh," Kate coos and Emily smiles.

"After she had breakfast, she drove us to an Iceskating rink."

"You love Iceskating," Emily comments.

"That's why she took me there."

"Awwww," Emily and Kate coo in unison.

"Stephanie is such a sweet girl." Kate says.

Chris nods, "And I'm a lucky guy."

"What happened next?" Emily asks with curiousity.

"We skated for a while, talking. Hazel kept falling," Chris chuckles to himself before continuing. "And she asked me to be her boyfriend."

"What?" Kate eyes widen.
"You're lying," she adds in disbelief.

"It still seems surreal to me but it did happen, mum." Chris asserts.

"Wow, I didn't know she had it in her."

"Me too," Chris says before taking another bite from his food.

"So, what was your answer?" Kate gushes.

"Yes, of course I said yes."

"I'm so happy for you, son. My ship has finally sailed. You know, I noticed how unhappy you looked about two months ago. That morning Emily and I found you two talking, I guessed that something happened between you two. Im glad you guys are finally together. It took you guys long enough."

"I confessed my feelings to her then and she said she didn't feel the same way."

"So I can call her my sister-in -law?"
It took a few seconds for her question to register in his head.

His eyes widen, "What?"

Kate begins to chuckle.

Chris looks flustered as he thinks of a reply. "Uhm... I guess you can but not in her present, okay?"

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