29 | First Time?

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Chapter Twenty Nine: First Time?

"I can't believe I'm attending another party after that awful last one," Steph avers as they exit the car.

"Stop whining and try to enjoy the night. And that party wasn't awful, baby girl." Brooke croons as they both stare at the house hosting the party which is the brightest one in the neighbourhood.
Stephanie has never been to this side of town but it's not like she attends parties.

"Okay this baby girl thing has got to stop," Steph demands as they walk up to the front door that is wide open.
"Whose house is this anyway?" Steph glances at Brooke.

Brooke shrugs. "I don't know. I heard about it from someone in school and apparently, everyone is going."

"So you have no idea who's throwing the party?" Steph questions as she looks at the lawn littered with trash, cups, bottles and what not.

"Does it matter?" Brooke retorts.

"It matters to me," Steph mumbles to herself. Steph notices a guy on the porch checking Brooke out but she doesn't seem to notice or if she does, she doesn't notice it.
They both climb the stairs and halt at the top.

"You ready?" Brooke asks her.


"Great," Brooke says enthusiastically and pulls Steph with her into the house.

The party is just like the usual party high schoolers throw. Music is blaring out of stereos all over the place, magnifying the sound so much you can feel the music. And just like the last time, Steph resists the urge to cover her ears. She rubs both hands on her jean clad thighs in trepidation. She didn't let Brooke coax her into wearing one of her dresses this time around.

People are busy talking, dancing, drinking, making out- doing whatever the heck they want.
Brooke takes one of Steph's hand in hers and weave them through the crowd of teenagers to the kitchen.

"Want a drink?" Brooke asks Stephanie after letting go of her hand.

"You know I won't drink," Steph replies as she looks around the crowded kitchen. Teenagers in twos and threes. Some drinking, some talking or doing both.

Brooke turns around to face Steph with a cup. She looks behind Steph.

"Bitches at 6'o clock," Brooke tells her.
Before Steph can turn around to see for herself, they appear beside her.

"Wow! Didn't know someone like you come to parties," Ivy says snootily, sizing Steph up.

"I don't know why they even let people like you in parties," Brooke retorts to Ivy who's ignoring her.

"And who are you?" Ivy gives her a once over.

"Certainly not a bitch like you," Brooke replies in a dry tone.

Aspen gasps but Ivy remains stoic.
"Oh I see. You're a friend of hers- a loser like you," Ivy says.

"And you're not? If someone like you is the definition of a winner, I'd prefer to stay where I am." Brooke hisses.

Steph remains silent, watching the exchange.

Ivy lifts her left hand close to her face and begins to inspect her fingers as if the conversation is boring her.

"You know, I've seen wannabes like you. You can only wish you're in my place."

"I think she's the girl dating Cole," Aspen tells Ivy.

Ivy shakes her head slightly. "I'm disappointed in Cole. He could do better than this-- " she gestures to Brooke, "just look at what she's wearing-- what they're both wearing."

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