05 | Hair Cut

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Chapter Five: Hair Cut

Stephanie Valentine has been sitting outside for about an hour now. She decides to go in and find Brooke so they can leave. Enough has happened for tonight. She heads back into the house and checks the room where the game was played but can't find Brooke or Cole inside. She sights Chris talking to Jason but quickly leaves before he notices her.

She then tries the living room and then the kitchen. And there they are, Cole and Brooke, both drunk. They're sitting at the kitchen island still having more drinks. Stephanie walks over and grabs both drinks from their hands.

"Hey," Brooke yells.

"Haven't you guys had enough already?" She asks them.

"You look like Spongebob," Brooke tells her reaching out to touch her face. Stephanie swats her hand away. She looks at Cole and finds him staring at Brooke with a stupid smile on his face.

"I like you," he tells her.

"I like you too," Brooke replies with that same type of smile on her face.

Stephanie face-palms.

They both won't probably remember this tomorrow. They need to leave now but she doesn't want to leave Cole alone and drunk. Albeit people are everywhere, no one will exactly pay attention to him.

So she decides to find Luke - Cole's best friend. She doesn't want to but she has to.

"Hey, guys. I'll be back in a minute," she says to the pair and goes in search of Luke.

Please don't be with Poison Ivy.

Please don't be drunk.

Please don't be with Poison Ivy.

And please don't be drunk.

Stephanie finds herself reciting that in her head as if it's a spell.

She sights him in the living room on a couch and guess who is sitting beside him - of course it's Poison Ivy.

Would she even give the guy space?

Stephanie groans but makes her way to them.

"Hi," she yells a little when she gets to them because the music is a little bit louder here.

They face her with a look of confusion on their faces before Poison Ivy looks changes to the one that can kill.

"Who are you?" Ivy rages with her eyes scrutinizing Stephanie.

"I'm nobody. Forget about me," Stephanie replies in a perpetually tired voice. Then she regards Luke.

"Can you come with me? Your friend, Cole is drunk and I don't want to leave him alone," she tells him.

Thankfully, Luke doesn't look drunk.

"Oh. Cole, eh?"

Luke gets up and tells Ivy that he'll be back then he follows Stephanie to the kitchen.

"Dude!" Luke shakes his head disapprovingly when he sees Cole. He and Brooke are holding hands.

"You're wasted," Luke tells him.

"I am?" Cole asks.

Brooke giggles for no reason at all.

Alcohol at work!

Stephanie separates their hands and makes Brooke get off her seat.

"Let's head home B," she tells her.

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