20 | Babysitting

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Chapter Twenty: Babysitting

"Hazel," Chris whispers from his seat behind her. She doesn't answer.

"Psst," he pokes her with his pencil.

Still no answer.

He's been doing this for a while now, trying to get her attention.

Stephanie isn't answering because she doesn't want another detention. Even though it would be nice to spite her mum, she still doesn't want it. She's sure Mr Sato, the Maths teacher wouldn't hesitate to give out detention. And there's the fact that he's still calling her Hazel which she has told him not to.

So ignoring him it is.

Mr. Sato ends the class as the bell rings and students begin to leave. Stephanie leaves too but not without Christopher on her trail.

"Hazel," he calls as he follows her.

She still doesn't answer or even spare him a glance.

Why's she being so damn difficult? He wonders.

He has never had this much trouble with a girl and it's frustrating.

Stephanie who is still ignoring Chris begins to notice girls looking her way with confused expressions. They're probably wondering why she's with him. Some are even given her hateful glares and it's beginning to get to her.

All she wanted was to finish high school with no drama and as a - what does Brooke call it - a wallflower.

Why is that too much to ask?

From the way things are going now, with cocky Christopher practically chasing her - she doubts that.

She turns into an almost empty hallway that has Brooke's locker and sights her there.

Chris begins to get angry and pulls her by her wrist to stop her. He knows if she meets up with Brooke, it's pointless.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Can't you hear me calling you?" He bellows as she turns to face him.


She's annoying.

"I've told you not to call me that," she hisses and yanks her hand from his grip. Isn't it obvious that she doesn't want to talk to him?

Brooke has already noticed them so she shuts her locker and moves closer to them. The scene doesn't exactly look good as it seems Chris is livid. And it's attracting the few people around.

Chris stares at her and she stares right back. It's as if they're having a staring competition.

He's trying to keep his anger at bay.

What exactly is he angry about?

That's she isn't answering him?

She did bluntly tell him not to call her that but he still did. He sighs and runs a hand through his hair.

"I'm sorry," he apologizes. He barely says sorry to anybody that isn't family but he has said it to her more than once.

Steph sighs, "A question?"

He nods.

"I need you to be honest with me." She pauses. "What do you want from me?" She asks the question that has been on her mind since he started trying to talk to her.

Chris begins to ponder her question. What exactly does he want from her? He has never really thought about that but he remembers that he wanted to hook up with her. Since he started talking or at least, trying to talk to her, he hasn't thought about that at all.

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