19 | Frozen

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Chapter Nineteen: Frozen

Christopher walks into the house and shuts the door.

"I'm home," he announces.

He sights Emily on a couch watching TV after turning around.

"Hey Em." He drops his backpack and sits beside her.

She being engrossed on the TV, finally notices him.

"Chris!" She exclaims and hugs him lightly.

"What are you watching?" He smiles before turning to the TV.

"Frozen," Emily replies with a grin.

"Seriously? Haven't you watched it like a hundred times?" He groans.

"No. I haven't. You're exa......" She trails off, forgetting the word.

"Exaggerating," Chris chuckles.

"Yeah, that."

"Say it Em," Chris urges her.

A frown appears on Emily's face as she tries to pronounce it.


Chris begins to laugh.

"Mum! Chris is being mean," Emily shouts.

"You're lucky I love this movie," Chris huffs and crosses his arms childishly.


He turns in the direction of the voice.

"Hey Mum," he smiles and goes to hug her with a peck on the cheek.

His Mum doesn't smile back and he knows something is wrong.

He hopes it doesn't have anything to his Dad. He cringes at the word.

"Mum, what's wrong?" He begins to worry.

"You had detention today," she deadpans.

He sighs in relief.

That's it? Thank God!

His mum notices and glares at him.

"Do you think it's a joke?"

"I'm sorry, Mum. I thought something worse happened."

"Why did you get detention?" She questions.

He knows she'd ask eventually. She didn't ask when he called to inform her but he knew she wouldn't be happy about it.

Christopher doesn't joke with his academics and it's because of his Mum. He doesn't want to hurt her- his dad has already done that in excess. If not that he wants to make his mum proud, he'd probably be one of those bad boys that always skip class and gets suspensions. Like Blake and his entourage.

Chris fits that stereotypical bad-boy image with his looks.

He wants to get good grades and get a scholarship to a good college.

That would make his mum proud and he'd set a good example for Emily to follow. He has only gotten detention once and it was in 9th grade. He has never been suspended either.

Come to think of it, he and Steph are kinda alike in that aspect.

"Hazel and I were whispering to each other in class then boom- Mrs. Greene got pissed and gave us detention," he explains.

"Hazel?" She asks. "Is she a friend of yours?"

She has never heard Chris mention a girl's name since Ivy. Not even a friend. So it's a surprise that he just did. And they got detention together because they were talking in class? Her son hasn't sworn-off girls, after all.

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