13 | Soon-to-be Boyfriend

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Chapter Thirteen: Soon-to-be Boyfriend

"Hey B," Stephanie says into the phone.

"Steph Hi," Brooke replies from the other line on the phone.

"Are you home?"

"Yeah. We're back. It was -"

"Can you come over?" Stephanie interrupts her.

"Rude," Brooke drawls in an offended tone.


"I'll be there in ten," Brooke agrees.

"Thanks," Stephanie hangs up.

She needs to speak to Brooke right now. Not over the phone, face to face, eyeball to eyeball.

She has to tell her the crazy shit that happened today.

She stands and walks into the kitchen to get herself ice cream from the fridge.

With a spoon and tub of Ice cream in hand, she walks back to the living room. She sits on the couch she was previously on and picks up the TV remote.

Talking to Christopher today was shocking. This is the fourth year of them going to the same school. And the first time talking to him was at a park not even in school.

You're wondering what happened?

Well, it was quite awkward talking to him since she vividly remembers kissing him at the party.

Thankfully, he didn't or doesn't remember her.

Or does he?

He remembers talking to Brooke that night so how could he possibly not remember her?

Maybe he doesn't care, and she'd be grateful if it's that.

When that Nora girl came, Emily handed the leash to her and joyfully hugged her friend.

They walked away together and Chris had walked over to a woman she assumed was Nora's mother. She had seen that as her opportunity to escape.

Not from danger but from having any more conversation with him.

So immediately he went to meet the woman, she walked away with the dog behind her.

She has the feeling that if she had waited, he'd come back to continue the nonexistent conversation with her.

So she left the Park with Daisy. She totally left the park grounds because he could have maybe you know - searched for her.

She took Daisy on a walk around then they headed back to their neighborhood. She returned Daisy to Mrs. Grace and settled down at home to watch TV.

Hours later, she's still on the couch binge-watching Game of Thrones.

When she guessed that Brooke would be back home, she dialed her number and now, she awaits Brooke's arrival.

Some minutes and plenty of spoons of ice cream later, there's a knock at the door.

Stephanie hurries to the front door and opens it to reveal Brooke. She pulls her in by the wrist and shuts the door. She hugs Brooke quickly and then pulls her into the living room and makes her sit down beside her. Then she mutes the TV.

"Okay? What's going on?" Brooke asks bemusedly.

"Hi," Steph grins weirdly.

"Hey," Brooke hesitates before answering.

Stephanie stops grinning.

"You won't believe what happened today?" Stephanie jabbers.

"What happened?" Brooke asks curiously seeing the look on her face.

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