11 | It's Her

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Chapter Eleven: It's Her

It's Saturday morning and Christopher Hayes wakes up late due to last night's party. He awakes and he's very happy he didn't drink last night. If he did, he'd have a killer headache - a freaking hangover. As he looks around his room, he remembers the party and then Piper. He picks up his phone from the nightstand and dials Jason. It rings and then goes to voicemail. Chris calls him again and this time he picks up.

"Jason?" Chris says after he doesn't speak for some seconds.

"What the fuck man! There better be a good reason why the hell you woke me up," Jason grumbles.

"Well, good morning to you too dude," Chris replies sardonically.

"What do you want?"

"Did you see Piper yesterday?"

"Um...I think so," Jason answers.

"What do you mean? You think so? Are you fucking kidding me? Did you even check on her as I asked you to?" Chris's voice begins to raise.

"Chill dude. I checked on her and even gave her a ride home. Now would you please leave me to battle with my hangover?" Jason says grumpily.

Chris can't help but laugh.

"Sure dude. Battle your hangover. Thanks, by the way."

Jason just groans and ends the call.

Chris smiles and then heads out of his room to the kitchen downstairs. He finds his mum making coffee with Emily on a stool.

"Good morning, Mum." He walks over to her and kisses her cheek.

"Morning hun. No hangover today. Hallelujah!!!" His mum smiles waving her hands in the air dramatically.

"Mum!" Chris exclaims grinning.

"What? Weren't you out partying last night?" She asks in monotone.

"I was. You caught me, okay." He raises his hands in the universal sign of surrender.

"But I didn't drink. It's not every time I drink Mum," he adds.

"Hey Em," he walks over to the counter and hugs her patting her hair.

"Hi, Chris."

"How was your night?"

"It was nice," she giggles.



"What's a hangover?" She asks after they disengage from the hug.

"Um..." Chris scratches the back of his neck.

"It's a type of headache?" Chris' mum says more as a question than a statement.

"Oh okay," Emily replies.

His mum hands him a mug of coffee and gives Emily a cup of orange juice.

"You know you have to take Emily to the park for the play date?" His mum asks.

"Yeah. I do and I will," he replies as he sips his coffee.

"Yay," Emily yells excitedly.

Chris finishes his coffee before heading to the bathroom for his morning routine.

After getting ready for the day, he heads down for breakfast.

"What's for breakfast?" He asks as he enters the kitchen.

"Cereal?" His mother answers in amusement.

"You're kidding. You know I hate having cereal on Saturday mornings." Chris says dryly.

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