31 | Makeover

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Chapter Thirty One: Makeover

It’s Wednesday today, four days since Stephanie attended that party. When she eventually returned home, her parents were asleep and she tried her best not to wake them. The game of Truth or Dare continued at the party. Aspen came back but didn’t join them in the game. She had this gloomy look on her face. The game went on with stupid, crazy dares and embarrassing truths. The game ended when - was it Mia? - dared Chris to kiss Ivy. Chris had simply stood and walked away with Cleo trailing him. After he left, others didn’t continue the game - they had lost interest.

On Sunday morning, her dad was kinda pissed that she was out that late but her mum calmed him down. Her mum on the other hand was happy, something about her beginning to behave like a normal high school teenager. Apparently, she wasn’t behaving like one before. Her father eventually let it slide after giving her a warning - if she stays out so late again, she would be grounded for the rest of senior year.

The truth is that things have been a little different since the party. Stephanie can’t help herself. She has been acting a little distant to Chris because of his confession - if it could be called that. If he has noticed it, he hasn’t shown any sign that he has indeed noticed. She has been thinking about his answer. She can’t help but feel like he was talking about her. And the fact that he was staring at her when he answered unnerves her. 
She thankfully hasn’t had any clash with anybody since the week started.

To be honest, Stephanie has been expecting a visit from poison Ivy since she didn’t exactly obey her instructions on Saturday night at the party. It’s not that Ivy is some sort of boss to her that she has to obey her instructions. The correct sentence should be since she didn’t exactly heed Ivy’s warning of staying away from Luke, she has been expecting her since Monday. For the last two school days, nothing has happened. She barely saw Ivy’s face for those two days. Her face seems scarce now. And Steph’s happy about it.

But she still likes Luke and she isn’t exactly happy about that. It’s not that Luke is a bad boy or anything, it’s just that he has a girlfriend, not just any girlfriend - the mean bitch type of girlfriend that threatens other girls to stay away from her sweetheart. Even if the fact that Luke already has a girlfriend is ignored - if he doesn’t actually have a girlfriend - she doesn’t see herself being with someone like him. She just can’t picture herself with him because they are of different social statuses. They are on different levels of the social ladder. Her crush on him, to her - it’s to pass time because they can’t be together. To Steph, it’s just like having a crush on a celebrity. You’d love to get a chance to be with that celebrity, perhaps even daydream and fantasize about it but deep down, you know it’s something that can never happen in real life. It can only happen in your fantasies or in your dreams - never in real life.

Stephanie is just one of those other girls that like Luke. She’s trying her best to drive those feelings away but they’re still there. She avoids lengthy conversations with him, avoids close contact with him, she’d probably avoid him altogether but that’s not possible seeing that her best friend is dating his best friend.

“I’ll see you later, Steph.” Brooke says as she shuts her locker to face Steph.
Steph doesn’t hear her though since she’s busy thinking.

“Stephanie!” Brooke snaps her finger to her face.


“Are you okay? You zoned out."

“Sorry. I was just thinking,” Steph answers.


“It’s nothing. I’ll see you later,” Steph says.

“Okay,” Brooke replies, looking at Steph and wondering why she doesn’t wanna tell her what she was thinking about.

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