09 | What Party?

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Chapter Nine: What Party?

It has been a week now since everything happened. The party, the game, and then the kiss. Just as Stephanie expected, things haven't changed or rather, didn't change. Everything has been normal. Stephanie sees Chris every day but as usual, he's oblivious to her existence. She didn't hope for anything to change and no, she hasn't suddenly fallen in love with Christopher just because of a kiss - that would be outrageous.

He's still the very same to her.

The player with all other qualities she has tied to him.

But now, one thing has been added to her list about him - he is the one she had the best kiss of her life with.

She isn't suddenly pining over him.


She isn't.

That kiss didn't change her thoughts about him.

Not one bit.

Now it's Friday and school is over.

She and Brooke are heading towards their ride - Brooke's car.

"What plans do you have for the weekend?" Brooke asks her.

"Plans? None that I know of," she replies gently.

Then she remembers.

"Although, I did promise my neighbor to help her walk her dog tomorrow," she adds.

"My Dad is taking my mum and me out tomorrow. He said it's a surprise," Brooke says excitedly.

It is at times like this that Stephanie wishes her parents aren't so into their work. It's in times like this that she misses Brody so abysmally.

Sometimes she wonders how different everything would be if her parents aren't so into their jobs.

"I asked Dad if you can come along and he agreed," Brooke says oblivious to the thoughts in Stephanie's head.

"That's so nice, B. But thanks, I won't be coming along," she replies.

"Why?" Brooke asks unhappily.

"I don't want to intrude-"

Brooke cuts her off, "You won't be intruding. You're family too, Steph."

Stephanie smiles at that but still declines the offer which Brooke isn't the least bit pleased with.

She just can't join them. It's moments like this that are supposed to be for them, as a family, no intruders.

She'd just spend her day watching Netflix and not forgetting to walk her neighbor's dog.

Her parents would be back by Sunday. It's just a matter of time.


This week has been a whole lot of frustration for Chris. He has searched for Hazel and he still is but it seems as if she vanished from the face of the earth. As if that night didn't happen. Maybe she doesn't go to their school but Brooke said she does.

All the times they'd pass each other in the hallways, Chris didn't notice. They even shared a few classes to get during the week but something always distracted him when she was about to enter the class.

And with her short hair now, he doesn't know it's her from behind.

You could say Fate is playing a cruel game on him.

After getting Brooke's last name on Monday, he searched for her until he finally found her on a social media platform. Facebook to be precise. That's after going through some other Brooke Dawson's. He checked the whole of her friends' list, carefully looking at the girls' profile pictures.

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