28 | La Vida Loca

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Chapter Twenty Eight: La Vida Loca

"Mum, can you help me with my hair?" Brooke yells from her position in her room. She's sitting in front of her dresser, staring at her reflection in the mirror with a curling iron in her hand.

"I'm coming dear." She hears her mum yell back.
Her mum strolls into the room a few seconds later.

"Let me get this done for you and you'll be ready," her mum says as she touches Brooke's hair from behind her.
Brooke hands her mum the curling iron and she begins work on her hair.
Few minutes later, she's done. Brooke and her mum stare at their reflections in the mirror, having a lot of similar features. Her mum rests her hand on one of Brooke's shoulder and squeezes it gently in assurance. One of Brooke's hand reaches up to hold hers.

"You look stunning dear. Cole is one lucky guy."

"Thanks mum," Brooke blushes.

"Cole should be here any minute from now," her mum announces.


As if on cue, they both hear the sound of a car pulling onto their driveway.

"Oh my gosh! It's him," Brooke exclaims.

Her phone on the dresser buzzes. It's a text from Cole:

'I'm here.'

She reads the text, stands and faces her mum. "Mum, I'm kinda nervous."

"There's nothing wrong with that. He's probably a little nervous too. Just be yourself and enjoy your night," her mum says softly.

Brooke hugs her mum. "Thanks mum."

"Now wear your shoes and let's head down before your Dad decides to interrogate Cole," her mum chuckles and Brooke joins her.

After getting into heels to match her black dress, her mum hands her a purse and her phone. Brooke puts her phone into the purse and then they head downstairs together.
As they descend the stairs, they both hear her Dad's voice.

"So Cole, what are your intentions with my daughter?"

Brooke and her mum share a look before halting at the bottom of the stairs. Brooke smiles at the sight of Cole in formal clothing. She's definitely gonna tease him about it but damn, does he look good!

"Wow! He's quite the catch," her mum whispers to her and Brooke smiles.

He's seated on a couch, opposite her dad who is busy scrutinizing him. Cole looks uncomfortable from her dad's gaze and he's yet to answer her dad's question.

"Do you want me to repeat myself?"

"No, not at all sir," Cole swallows the lump in his throat.

"Dad!" Brooke speaks up, dragging the word.
Her Dad and Cole turn in their direction and only then do they notice her and her mum standing there.

"What? I'm just looking out for you," her dad says.

"By trying to scare away my date?" Brooke retorts as she walks over to Cole. She pulls him to his feet and holds onto one of his arm.

"I wasn't. We were having a little chat," her dad says in monotone.

"Sure Tom," her mum says with a smile. She loves when her husband acts all protective of their daughter.

Brooke realises she hasn't introduced Cole to her mum.

"Mum, this is Cole," she tells her mum.
"And Cole, my mum."

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