45 | I Miss Him

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This chapter is dedicated to Jessica_Jahy. You guys should check out her story, Reform My Heart.

Chapter Forty Five: I Miss Him

"Thanks for tonight. I had fun," Steph says softly to Luke, avoiding eye contact. After she told him -- more like lied to him, they left the restaurant and he drove her home.

"I'm glad you did," Luke replies. "I had fun too. Hopefully, we can do this again some other time."

I doubt that, Steph thinks but she doesn't voice the thought.

"Yeah," she lies yet again.

"Feel better, Steph."

She finally faces him and make eye contact, smiling a little. "Thanks."

Luke returns the smile as he stares at her. She stares right back. He begins to lean closer to her and she begins to panic.

He wants to kiss me!
He wants to kiss me!

'Isn't that what you've always wanted?' Her subconscious asks her.

Her answer to that question is yes but right now that it's about to happen, she doesn't want it to.

But before she can do anything to stop what she thinks is about to happen, Luke's lips meet her left cheek lightly before he leans back to his original position and smiles at her.

She doesn't know why but a blush creeps up her neck to her cheeks under his gaze so she looks away.

Thank God he kissed me on my cheek and here I was, panicking.

Luke's smile turns into a grin on seeing the shade her cheeks have decided to take. "You're cute."

"T-Thanks. Goodnight Luke. Thanks again for tonight." She says as she opens the door.

"You're welcome."

Steph exits his car, shuts the door and waves as she watches him drive away.
She sighs as she heads in.

Her mum opens the door as she gets onto the front porch. She must have heard Luke's car.

"Hey honey. You're home earlier than I thought," she says as she ushers her only daughter in. "How was your date?"

"It was nice," Steph replies as she heads into the living room. She doesn't see her dad so she asks her mum about him.

"He's already in bed. He had a little headache so I forced him to go to bed."

"Oh okay. I'm off to bed. Goodnight mum." Steph hugs her mum. She heads for the staircase but her mum's voice stop her.

"Stephanie? Is something wrong?"

Steph turns around, a little taken aback because her mum has never been very observant.
Is it that obvious?

She smiles. "No, mum. Nothing's wrong. I guess I'm just a little tired."

Even though her mum looks unconvinced, she doesn't push.
"Okay then. Go to bed. Sleep tight."

"Thanks mum. Did Brody tell you he'll be home soon for Christmas break?"

A smile appears in her mum's face. "Yes, he did. You're excited, aren't you?"

"I can't wait. I miss him so much."

"I miss him too, honey. Run along now and get some sleep."

"Goodnight mum," Steph says as she begins her journey up the stairs. When she finally gets to her room, she takes off her shoe and jacket before plopping herself on her bed, facing the ceiling. She doesn't know why she feels a little weak, like energy has been drained from her.

Spin The BottleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora