02 | It's Just a Party

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Chapter Two: It's Just a Party

Christopher Hayes hasn't always been like this. He wasn't a player before but things changed in his sophomore year. He liked a particular girl as a freshman, maybe even loved her. She has blonde hair and grey eyes. She's quite a beauty. She was nice and sweet but she isn't the same now. He thought he loved her but maybe he was too young to know what love was.

So he approached her and they got to talking. Because of his good looks and how he has his way with girls, she agreed to go on a date with him. Christopher put his best into their first date and he did impress her. After, they went on a few more dates before he finally asked her to be his girlfriend. She agreed and they dated for the whole of freshman year.

If there's one thing Christopher hates the most, it's cheating. He hates it his whole life. If you're in a relationship, be committed to it. DON'T FUCKING CHEAT.

Why on earth would you go into a relationship if you ain't ready to commit?

Is it to hurt your partner?

Just like his father did to his Mum. His dad hurt his mum really badly. He broke her heart into tiny pieces.

His dad was a Cheat, no scratch that - his dad is a cheat.

He cheated on his mum several times so there's no guarantee he wouldn't cheat on his new companion.

He had cheated on his mum several times but she kept forgiving him or acting as if nothing happened, as if nothing changed. Until finally, he left her for someone else, someone younger and then he asked for a divorce.

His mum was devastated. She cried until she couldn't anymore but she still signed the divorce papers. It hurt him to see his mom like that and he was livid that it was his so-called father that made his mum like that. But there's nothing he could have done. It happened six years ago but his mum is yet to move on. His dad married the woman and moved to another state. He's pretty sure his mum still loves his dad.

That man doesn't deserve to be called his dad. He is a cheat.

If perhaps his dad should find his way back to them and asks to be part of their family again, he's cocksure his mum would agree without hesitation. It seems like she is waiting that's why she hasn't moved on. He hates that his mum still loves his dad so much. All he has ever wanted since his dad left is for his mum to find someone else and move on. Someone that wouldn't hurt her but pick up the broken pieces of her heart and fix it. But she hasn't. He doesn't even think she's ready to move on.

Thankfully, his little sister was still very young so she didn't get attached to their dad and she doesn't even remember what he looks like. That's one person out of the hurt list.

So when he found out that his girlfriend was cheating on him, he was mad and he broke up with her. She didn't even care when he broke up with her. Seemed she had already called it quits with him long since. Seemed like she got tired of him and moved on without doing the proper thing. It broke his heart. He felt how his mum felt and hated his dad even more if that was possible.

The girl changed totally and began officially dating the guy she cheated on him with. This girl is still in school, in his grade and he sees her every day.

The aforementioned girl is no one but the Queen Bee - Ivy Sommers.


It's her.

Poison Ivy.

After that experience, he avoided girls for a while before hooking up with one at a party when he was drunk. Then he became a player.

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