25 | Dump Her Ass

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Chapter Twenty Five: Dump Her Ass

Brooke pulls into Stephanie's driveway. She's on the driver's seat watching Stephanie who is on the passenger's seat carefully.

After Steph dropped the most shocking news of the year, she walked ahead and got to Brooke's car. It took a few seconds for Brooke to get herself and her stuff together before following her. She met Steph leaning on the passenger's side with a distant look on her face. She had unlocked her car and they both got in.

There was this awkward kind silence and Brooke watched Steph who was looking out the window. Brooke took a deep breath and started the car. Throughout the ride, Brooke kept giving Steph quick glances waiting patiently for Steph to speak, but she didn't say even a word.

Now, she's parked in Steph's driveway, watching her carefully.
After a few agonizing seconds, Steph steps out with her backpack, heading into the house- her movements almost robotic.
Brooke watches her in confusion, her eyes following her movements until she enters the house.
Brooke shakes her head slightly and gets out of the car, following Steph's trail.

"So she expects me to go without getting the juicy details?" Brooke huffs to herself as she lets herself into the house. She walks down the little hallway and goes into living room. She doesn't see Steph in the room but finds her backpack on a couch.

Steph walks into the living room with a tub of chocolate ice cream and a spoon. She halts her steps and stares at Brooke.

"What are you doing here?" Steph questions, making her way to the couch.

"You didn't really expect me to leave without getting the juicy details. You should know me way better than that," Brooke huffs.

Stephanie sighs, finding it hard to believe that she does like Luke. She had all the time to ponder on it at school and she solved the mystery. That explains all the weird things she has been feeling since Saturday. Maybe she knew but didn't just want to admit it to herself.



"Did I really hear you say you like LUKE?" Brooke inquires.

"Yeah," Steph nods. "I think I did."

"Wait. Give me a minute," Brooke days and runs into the kitchen. She comes back with a spoon in hand.

"What's that for?" Steph raises an eyebrow.

"For the ice cream dummy," Brooke rolls her eyes and sits beside her. Brooke scoops ice cream from the tub in Steph's hand and earns a glare from her.

"So the details," Brooke ignores her glare without missing a beat. "I'd love to know how you-" she points her spoon at her, "- Stephanie like Luke. Luke - poison Ivy's BOYFRIEND."

"I know who he is, you don't have to point it out," Steph scoffs.

"Why do I feel like you're trying to avoid this topic?" Brooke narrows her eyes and purses her lips.

"Maybe because I'm still processing the information in my head so I'm not ready to talk about it."

"Start talking," Brooke demands in a gruff voice.

"I like Luke," Steph deadpans.

"Are you sure?"

"I've liked boys before. I think I know what it feels like," Steph snaps.

"Easy there, baby girl. So when did the butterflies start disturbing your belly?"

Steph looks at her weirdly but answers anyway.

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