―♡ c h a p t e r - f o u r t e e n ♡―

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―♡ c h a p t e r - f o u r t e e n ♡―


the suns rays peeked through the window as the boy began stirring in his sleep. laying on his back, jake rubbed his eyes. nose scrunching up in the process as he let out a tired yawn.

finally opening his eyes, jake turned to his right. finding heeyul fast asleep with her arm draped across his abdomen. he propped himself up with his forearm as he lightly ran his hand through her hair- thinking about how peaceful she looked.

with her eyes still closed, heeyul let out a groan as she stretched. realizing that it was already morning, she opened her eyes.

"good morning" she cooed, happy that her first sight was none other than jake.

"good morning beautiful" he replied, and placing a kiss on her cheek as he laid back down.

"did you sleep well?" he asked.

the girl hummed, "i don't think i've slept that like in months" she said smiling, "plus the middle-of-the-night bungeoppang was amazing" she added.

"in that case, we should sneak out more often"  he said.

and they definitely did. that night wasn't the last time they snuck out together. many of their early morning trips consisted of them visiting mr choi's food stand, resulting in them having the goal of eventually trying every snack he made.

if it wasn't the food stand, they'd go to the park, convenience store, or sit by the stairs at the exit of their dorm building.

some nights they slept in their corresponding beds, and on others they would share one. but so they wouldn't raise suspicions, heeyul would move back to her bed before anyone could notice.

well, that is until they got caught.

just as they were slipping on their shoes, the lights flickered on.

"what are you doing?" asked a half asleep heeseung. the boy sighed, "lets go to the kitchen"

seconds later the three of them sat at the kitchen table.

jake and heeyul on one side and the older on the other.

"what are you guys thinking, leaving the dorm at 3 in the morning?" he asked.

he continued, "not only could it be dangerous but what if someone would've recognized you guys?"

heeyul shut her eyes and sighed, "i couldn't fall asleep, so i was gonna sit by the stairs outside."

"i was going because i didn't want her to be alone" added jake.

"do you guys do this often?" asked heeseung.

"this is only the second time we've gone out at night" lied heeyul.

to their luck, heeyul is very good at lying. something that is not a very good trait but in the situation they were in, it came in handy.

"are you going to tell jungwon and our manager?" asked jake.

the older shook his head, "i won't tell them, but please don't do this anymore. trust me, sometimes i wish out could go out too. but sadly that's something we have to let go by having this job" he said.

the two understandingly nodded. "we have a schedule tomorrow so let's go back to bed"

the three of them climbed into their beds, ready to finally let their eyes shut for the night.

heeseung didn't fall asleep until he made sure that jake and heeyul were already sleeping.

he couldn't deny that seeing them so close didn't make him feel, some type of way.

it was obvious that everyone in the group has someone that they are closest to, and for heeyul it's jake.
in the span of a few months they managed to become inseparable.

they would always be laughing together, smiling at each other from across the room, asking about one another if they weren't together.

other than sunoo, most of the group just thinks of it as them becoming more attached to one another. it hadn't occurred to them that they could possibly like each other.

and the more he thought about it, the more likely it seemed.

the boy closed his eyes and sighed, deciding that it would be best to let those thoughts go.

he looked up at the girls bed. seeing how her hands were neatly tucked under her cheek as she laid on her side.

letting out a sad smile, he thought to himself,
"as long as she's happy, that's all that matters."


it took me forever to update, only for it to be an uneventful filler chapter 🙃
sorry for taking such a long time, work's been super busy but i'm finally starting to have more time to write!

also, stream tamed-dashed! what's your favorite song on the album?
mine is either blockbuster or attention, please!


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2021 ⏰

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