Entering the new universe

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(Your thoughts are in BOLD)

It was a normal day for you.

You were watching Death Note while doing other work. You weren't paying that much attention, but you managed to notice something that made you stop what you were doing.

Wasn't Light at the window seat? Why is there an empty seat next to the window?

Blaming the change on your memory, you decide not to dwell on the change any longer.

After working for a while, you decided to take a break and get a snack.

You walk over to the refrigerator, open the door, and grab your choice of snack. When you close the door, you suddenly start to feel lightheaded.

Uhm, what's going on?

You take a seat, no longer feeling hungry. At the same time, you start to involuntarily fall asleep.


When you opened your eyes, you were in the classroom where the original main character of Death Note, Light Yagami, was.

Your head was down but your eyes were open. Everything around you looked animated. You also had better eyesight, 20/20 vision.

As your eyes flickered open, you noticed that the infamous Death Note had dropped.

The Death Note... I must've somehow entered the Death Note universe...

Your eyes widened in surprise. You notice Light sitting right next to you.

Light quickly shifts his gaze away from the window and toward you,.

Why is he looking at me? I didn't even try to mess with him yet... More importantly, what am I doing here?

You let out a nervous half smile, only looking even more suspicious in the eyes of Light.

I can't make any rash moves. I'll have to find a way to touch the notebook later so I can see Ryuk. But I need Light to touch it first so he can gain ownership..

After you were forced to sit through the boring lecture and class ended, you stood up, getting ready to leave.

"Hey! Do you want to grab lunch with me? " Light surprisingly asked you.

How uncharacteristic of him... Why is he talking to me? He needs to get the damn notebook.

You give Light a confused look before responding.

"I'll pass. I need to talk to the teacher. "

Lights POV:

Why would she decline my invitation? I don't ask people to eat with me often. Something is off with her. It looked like nobody in the class noticed her existence except for me. She also appeared in my usual seat.

Light suddenly remembered the notebook that he saw drop. He figured he might as well see what it was.

You excuse yourself from the classroom, quickly leaving the school. You thought more about why you were there in the first place, finally focusing on the main issue.

Although you didn't know how or why you were suddenly put into the Death Note universe, you guessed that as soon as you died here, you would return to the original world.

You've decided not to pry that much, since you had an opportunity many could only wish for.

It's going to be a while before L's appearance, and while Misa is probably busy, I also don't want to talk to Light just yet.

You sigh, unsure of what to do next.

I'll be sure to reveal my knowledge of the plot to the characters when everything is going smoothly. Then I can finally stir up some drama when the time comes.

You didn't know where you were going to live, since you didn't have money or a job.

However, you DID know that Light, who was in the Yagami family, was pretty well off. If you broke into their house, they wouldn't mind if you took SOME stuff off their hands, right? Besides, you needed to touch the notebook

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