L's Tea Cup

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How long are they going to take?

It wasn't long after that you were called back inside by L.

"Okay, Ms. N/n, I will be analyzing your deductive skills. Would you like Light to stay? " L asked curiously.

Light and L looked at you with anticipation. You had no idea why they were looking at you like that.

You figured L might want to see how close you were to Light, in case it affected the investigation, but you couldn't understand why Light wanted to watch you.

Lights POV:

I'm curious to see how N/n's mind works. It would be better to analyze her so I can get her on my side or deem her a threat.

You didn't mind having Light watch, so you shrugged.

"I will ask you the same questions I asked Light. Here are 3 notes of what was written down by prison inmates when under Kira's control before their death. None of this has been leaked to the public. Take a look and tell me what you think," L said, staring at you

You grin, not hiding the fact that you're excited. Things are now starting to get really interesting.

I am going to be seen as a genius, just by using the anime knowlege to my advantage

Light and L looked at you. Although you didn't have anything to make you stand out from the crowd, the confidence you'd shown was quite apparent to both of them. This side of you made you look calm, even while being in such a stressful situation.

You glance at the papers, recalling what was written.




You flip the papers back side up.

Sure enough, the print numbers were on the back.

"Ignoring the numbers placed on the back, if you read the first letter of every word, it states "L DO YOU KNOW GODS OF DEATH LOVE APPLES"

They both look up at you.

"That's what Light said as well." L responded, sighing.

Although you made the correct observation, you didn't add anything knowledgeable. This slightly disappointed him.

"Okay, did I say I was finished?" clearly annoyed by the blatant disappointment he showed.

That may have been a little rude, BUT he was really trying to compare me with Light? Let's see how he reacts when I add on.

"If you look at the numbers on the back, you can see there is a numbered card missing. If you put the cards in the order originally intended, then the wording should be lined up, which makes an incorrect phrase. Are you perhaps hiding a card? Or was this an obvious attempt to have me slip up? " You ask coldly.

L looked at you surprised, deciding to continue his act.

"You are correct, there is one more note."

You look at him.

"L, did you write this card? I don't think Kira wrote this," you told L, clearly trying to get a response out of him.

This time, both L and Light were looking at you in surprise.

Light: She seems to know how Kira operates, but is she stupid? Why would she say this to him without proof? Especially when she is seen as a suspect.

L: It's possible that her behavior is an attempt to put my guard down or she genuinely made an observation.

"What makes you say this? There wasn't any sign that I was the one who wrote this. " L asked, not taking his eyes off of you for a second.

"That's because it's clearly written in green ink. Which is not easily accessible in prison. The handwriting on the paper also looks neater, and not rushed like the others. " You reply, looking at them like they were idiots.

Your reasoning caught both of them off guard. You enjoyed seeing their dumbfounded expressions. It was definitely a rare sight.

Before either of them could praise you or find out more about your deductions, you decide to speak up.

"This message won't lead you to Kira. You should try letting anyone you suspect of being Kira see this and maybe they'll slip up."

"... sorta like how you were trying to catch me just now, creating a scenario where Kira is talking directly to you," you say, taking a sip of the same tea cup L drank from.

I only have an advantage because of my prior knowledge. It's best for them to think I'm a genius for now. 

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