Light Gets Detained

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After your conversation with Rem, you began to think... What was your goal?

You got transported into the world with no real plan other than to mess with the characters. Now things were going to get a lot harder.

Since you knew you would get into an argument with L soon, you needed to get out of the hotel you were in.

You prepared the money you saved from L's allowance, which he gave you. You need to find a place to stay.

You gathered all your stuff and put it into a suitcase you recently bought. You then start to look around and find a place.

After what seemed like an hour of aimlessly looking online, you found a small house that seemed sort of sketchy.


You looked up the address and called a cab.

After you were in the car for around 10 minutes, you finally arrived at your destination. It wasn't the best part of the neighborhood, to say the least.

It was livable; L wouldn't be able to locate you easily, which was what you were aiming for. You also didn't need to give that much personal information to buy it, which was also great.

After getting inside the house, you managed to haggle the price down and finally bought it. You needed to give your name, but you didn't want to. So you put N/n, along with a last name that was fake, but nobody needed to know that.

Everything has been settled...If only buying a house was this easy in the modern world.

You call yourself another cab and arrive back at the hotel. You were greeted by L, waiting in front of your door.

What the hell? Doesn't he have a job to do?

"Hello N/n, where were you?" L asked, getting straight to the point.

"Hello, I don't think that's anything you should concern yourself with," you responded, holding back your anger.

"You're now a suspect in the Kira investigation, so we can't have you going around without supervision," L told you.

"Huh? Come again? " You question

"N/n, you have been close with both Misa Amane and Light Yagami, who are suspected of being Kira. We believe you are working with the both of them. " L informed you.

"If I get charged for this, then I'd like to charge you for invasion of privacy, "you say emotionlessly."

L looks at you, slightly surprised.

You knew the charge wouldn't stick; you just wanted him to become aware that you knew he was watching you.

"I found a camera in my room. Don't tell me you thought I wouldn't notice it? " You questioned

"I've gotten permission to do so," L argued.

"My my, I found one veeerrry close to the shower." You say, teasing him

L didn't respond, he simply looked away. You noticed his cheeks getting slightly pink, but nothing overboard like you expected

Do people here really not blush that much? Isn't this an anime world?

"Ms, N/n, please answer my original question. Where were you? " L asked, changing the subject.

"Looking around town," you shrug

Before L could respond, he got a call regarding something important regarding the Kira case.

L hesitantly left, and you were glad that you weren't confined to your room like you expected. You were relieved that he didn't try to kidnap you or anything.. aha

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