Exam Day

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You graduated from high school!

Well, sorta...

You didn't take the final tests at the end of the year, but for some reason, you received your diploma, which even shocked you.

Over the last few weeks, both you and Light have started to become closer. At the bare minimum, you were above strangers but not quite friends yet. 

Both of you attempted to enter the same college together. You didn't care which college you entered. You still haven't totally accepted this as your new life.

Soon the exam day was coming, the exam that determined who entered and who didn't.

You entered the exam room, feeling slightly nervous.

"And begin!" you heard the examiner announce.

You were seated next to Light. You weren't sure if this was intentional or not, but you didn't mind it, since you could sneak a peek at Lights' answers if needed.

The examiner was slowly approaching the area where both you and Light were seated.

Uh oh, did he see me cheat?

"You there, student number 163, sit properly in your chair," the examiner told the boy behind you.

You swing your head back and sneak a peek to see L. It appeared as though L had been staring at both you and Light. 

You and L made direct eye contact. Neither of you stopped staring at each other. 

When the time was up and the exam was over, you quickly left the room, not wanting to spend another minute in that room.

"Light, how did your exam go?" You asked Light, as if you hadn't copied his answers.

"It was fine. How do you think you did N/n? " Light asked.

"I did great." You smiled in response.

You didn't know if Light knew you copied his answers or not, but he didn't dare say anything.

"Do you want to celebrate? Since we are both going to the same college, Light asked, sounding eager to celebrate.

"You seem confident, so why not?" you say as you and Light walk to a cafe.

You take a look at the menu before you order (food/drink) from the menu.

"So, Light, was there any reason you called me out, besides to celebrate?" You asked, not entirely sure what his game plan was by inviting you out.

"Nope, I just wanted to celebrate with a friend," he responded, smiling back at you.

He kept a mental note of what you ordered, in case he wanted to use food as a gift. He wasn't sure why, but he sort of did it subconsciously.

After your meal with Light, you still hadn't come to terms that you were actually interacting with a fictional character.

The day of the entrance ceremony came.

You and Light arrived at the entrance ceremony on time. For some reason, he kept staring at you. You couldn't help but feel slightly uncomfortable under Light's sharp gaze staring at you.

"Why do you keep staring? Do I look that cute?" You asked, smiling widely

"You wish," Light said, rolling his eyes.

Someone get him a lie detector test because I know he's lying

In reality, he thought you looked nice because you were dressed modestly and gracefully. In his mind, since you didn't buy anything expensive, this showed him that you weren't very materialistic. He liked that.

But in reality, you couldn't afford a nice dress even if you wanted one. since you needed to pay for the hotel, food, and other basic necessities.

You sat down next to Light. You left a space between the two of you. You knew that L needed to take that seat.

Although you got a high score on the test, you thought you might have gotten up to represent the freshman grade since both you and Light had the same answers. If anything, you should have gotten a better score because you had knowledge from the modern world.

"Now, for the freshman address, freshman representative: Light Yagami, and freshman representative Hidaki Ryuga," the announcer announced loudly.

You stayed seated, upset by the fact that you weren't called up.

I know this is for the plot, but it would've been nice to get an offer to go up.

You listened to the speeches, patiently waiting for them to sit near you.

When Light and L finally sat near you, you weren't able to hear the first part of the conversation, but you did hear the remaining part.

"...You're planning to join the police agency when you graduate, and you've already got experience."

While L included you in the conversation as well

"And N/n, you have no documentation that shows any sign that you even exist. However, you are close to Light Yagami. "

"You both seem interested in the Kira investigation. If you promise not to tell anyone, I have important information about the Kira investigation I'd like to share with you." L added.

"I won't tell anyone. What is it?" Light asked.

They both looked at you to see if you would agree.

But you were more concerned about everyone who would be able to hear this conversation.

They act like nobody can hear them. Aren't they supposed to be the smart ones?

"Okay, I won't say anything" You agree

" I want to tell you... I am L," he said, staring directly at Light.

Okay, ignore me I guess.

You put your hand over your mouth to hide your laughter. You then take a look at the sudden color change.

Why are they red and blue? What color am I?

You try to look at your aura but you can't see anything

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You try to look at your aura but you can't see anything. You get a little upset but decide to see how Light would react since you were experiencing their conversation first-hand, different from the anime.

"...If you are who you say you are, you have nothing but my respect and admiration." Light gracefully responded.

He really took a whole 10 seconds to respond. How was that not suspicious?

"Thank you, the reason I chose to reveal my identity is because I think you might be of some help in the Kira investigation," L said.

No, because why are they ignoring me?!

After the auditorium was cleared and the three of you were outside, you watched as L left.

"Hey Light, nice meeting you. I'm sure I'll see you on campus," L said before going into his limousine.

You stare at L without looking away. He doesn't take his eyes off you either.

Is he doing this to test if I'm as childish as Light? He sure as hell is not getting a reaction from me.

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