Misa Amane

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You let out a sigh of relief after leaving the room. Feeling relieved that you narrowly avoided a lengthy investigation

You stayed inside your room all day, counting your money, watching some TV, doing anything other than looking for Misa. The time would come eventually.

It would be best to lay low a bit so she can meet me and not have a prejudice against me because I'm friends with Light.

You decided that you desperately needed some rest. You've been so caught up in the story that you forgot to take care of yourself .

Back to the task force:

"I'm happy to say that I've found Kira. To all of the people in the police station, I'd like to thank you, "the message from the second Kira announced so the whole task force could hear

"This is a disaster," Matsuda said.

"Let's not jump to conclusions, the second Kira is only saying he found Kira, not that he's made contact " L stated.

"Now that it's come to this, we have no choice but to communicate as the police, directly to the second Kira," L said to the room.

"You want to send a message?" A member asked

"Yes, the police need to reach out to the second Kira and make a deal for his name," L replied, leaving Light in a difficult situation.

After Light returned from his busy day, his mother was the first to greet him.

"I'm home," Light announced.

"Hello dear, you're back quite late today," his mother said.

".. I was hanging out with my girlfriend," Light explained.

"Eheeh!! Light!! You have a girlfriend? What's her name?! " His little sister Sayu asked, clearly excited.

Light thought about it, and decided to lie, even though he didn't need to.

"You guys have already met her; it's N/n." Light stated proudly with a smirk,

"No way? Really? I liked her. When did you meet her? Will I meet her again? Invite her over! Where did you guys go? " Sayu started talking fast.

While Sayu was interrogating Light with all these questions, Light started walking upstairs.

"Light, aren't you going to have any dinner?" His mother asked him

"Actually, I'm still full from having room service at the hotel," Light said.

"I can't believe you just said that to Mom! What's this about a hotel? Sounds pretty suspicious." Sayu hummed.

"Nothing happened, we were just talking," Light said before walking into his bedroom.

Light locked the door and decided to have a conversation with Ryuk.

While Light was busy with Ryuk, it was time for Misa to make her move. She already knew who Light Yagami was Kira due to their one-sided meeting.

Misa was very excited. She got all dressed up to meet him. She arrived in front of his door and rang the bell.

"Could that be your father?" Lights mother asked while Sayu ran to the door.

"Coming! Welcome home! " Sayu was surprised to see another girl on the other side of the door.

"Hi?" Sayu responded, surprised by the girls' sudden appearance.

"Hello and good morning. My name is Misa Amane. I just came by to give Light an important notebook he left at school today, "Misa explained.

"Wait here just a moment," Sayu said before rushing to Light's door.

"Light, someone's here for you; she said she had your notebook from school!"

Light was suspicious and went downstairs, stepping outside with Misa and closing the front door behind him.

"Uhm.. pleased to meet you. I'm Misa Amane." Misa introduced herself

"...I thought you might be nervous if you saw that message on TV, so I just couldn't take it anymore, and I brought this notebook," Misa told Light shyly.

She presented the death note to Light. Without saying a word, Light touched the notebook and saw Rem

'She's the fake Kira.' Light thought to himself.

"Come in," Light said, inviting her inside.

"Are you sure it's okay? Thanks" Misa said before walking inside.

"Mom, she came all this way; I need to talk to her for a bit," Light said, walking upstairs with Misa.

Sayu looked over at her mom.

"Is Light really cheating on N/n?!" In Sayu whisper, it was loud enough for Misa to hear.

Misa's facial expression fell, she couldn't hold in her surprise.

'He has a girlfriend?!' Misa thought to herself.

Misa made sure she would take care of her as soon as possible. She wanted—no needed—to have Light.

As the two walked to the door, Light had his back turned to Misa. He couldn't see her new expression.

"Please, come in." He told her while opening the door, he was annoyed but managed to hide it.

He wasn't able to catch the expression on her face because she dropped it as soon as he turned back.

"Thank you," Misa responded.

Misa sat down on the chair at the desk, anxiously waiting for Lights' response.

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