Getting Rid Of The Death Note// The Boss

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After you collected a good amount of money that fell from the sky, you made your way back to the head quarters to see Light and Misa.

When you arrived, you saw that Misa was on the couch with the death note in her hands. Your eyes immediately went to Light, who had his eyes widened.

'The time it should take her to return should be at least 1 day. How is she here?' Light thought to himself.

"Hi Misa, why do you have the Death Note?" You asked Misa calmly. Not jumping to conclusions right away

"Y/n! You're okay!" Misa jumped up, running over to hug you.

You noticed Light still had a dazed expression on his face. You pat Misa on the head before speaking.

"Misa, now that you have your memories since you've touched the death note again, please make up your mind on what you want to do with the death note." You let Misa know that she had a choice in the matter.

Light has already ruined a lot of my progress with Misa; now he's convinced her to use the death note again?

"I.. I just want to help you," Misa said shyly.

You give Misa a confused look before checking her statistics.


100% Friendship

65% Romantic

29% Obsessed

Oh wow..

"I wasn't in any danger. It seems like Light might have said otherwise," you sigh in frustration.

"Misa, I know you already have the shinigami eyes again, but how about you give up ownership? You still have a lot of time left to live," you calmly explain.

Misa nods her head.

"Okay, Y/n. I'll do it for you. " Misa agrees

"Misa,can you leave so I can speak with Y/n, please?" Light asked politely.

To Light's surprise, she outright refused.

"No! I'm only here for Y/n." Misa said confidently.

You smiled slightly, but you were interested in what Light was going to say to explain himself.

"Misa, it will just be for a bit. I'm curious about this whole situation all together. I'll talk with you after" you smiled, letting Misa know.

"But-" Misa was about to refute, but she saw that you weren't in a very good mood. And she could sense it had something to do with Light

"..okay.." Misa said, closing the door behind her, sneaking one last peek at the both of you and sending a glare to Light.

"Wait- relinquish ownership before you go," you say, almost forgetting

Misa stopped in her tracks.

'I want to be useful to her.. but it seems like I'd be more of a problem' Misa thought to herself.

Although she wanted to help, she already knew you were strong enough to handle yourself, both mentally and physically. So she left the rest up to you.

"I relinquish ownership of the death note," Misa announced before dropping the notebook and leaving.

Light smiled to himself. He is now alone with you. He expected you to be angry about the Misa situation, but he figured he could talk his way out of it.

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