Misa's Interrogation

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"Hey, do you both want to have some cake with me in the cafeteria?" L asked both of you

"Sure, I have a break right now anyway," Light responded.

"Sure", You nod.

"That's perfect. I'm kind of craving shortcake right now. " L starts to walk to the cafeteria while you and Light follow behind.

"Light, there you are! I had a photo shoot nearby, so I thought I'd come by to see you!" Misa yells, running over to Light.

"Oh! You're here. N/n." Misa greeted you, now no longer threatened by you.

Misa looks over towards L.

"Oh! This must be a friend of Light's, N/n. Is this your boyfriend? He looks so different and unique. I'm Light's girlfriend, Misa Amane. Nice to meet you! " Misa announced, paying no mind to your confused expression.

She thinks I'm dating L.

No, more importantly, this is going to implicate me.

Dammit Misa, now L will suspect me of helping Kira since you greeted me.

"Unfortunately, no. N/n is a friend of mine. I'm Hidkei Ryuga. " L announced, you couldn't help but hear regret in his voice.

Unfortunately?? Is there another harem member?

L was staring at Misa, giggling and staring.

"...I have been a huge fan of yours since the August issue of 18." L looked at Misa

"Really? That's so sweet of you!" Misa said, gratefully.

"Isn't that Misa Misa?"

"She's so cute!"

"Look at her!"

"I'm your biggest fan!"

"Keep up the good work."

A horde of fans came over to greet Misa, but suddenly

"No way! Somebody just touched my butt! " Misa yelled.

"Gah! This is an outrage. Taking advantage of this situation is ridiculous. I will find whoever is responsible for this. " L announces

"Hehe Ryuga, you're so funny." Misa laughs

'I want to ask Misa what L's name is as soon as possible'. anxiously thought light

"Misa! It's time, or were you planning to be late again? " Misa's manager scolded Misa and grabbed her arm to take her away.

"Bye Light, I'll see you after I'm done with work. I miss you already. Bye Bye N/n and Ryuga " Misa said goodbye

"Now then, it's time to get going," L says, while he continues to walk.

"Alright! Are you going to pay? " You ask while following L.

"Actually, you both can go ahead. I need to use the bathroom," Light says before slipping away.

You look over at Ryuk, and you both exchange a grin.

"Okay, I'll see you there." Light continues to walk while he pulls out his phone to make a phone call.

'It's over, it's been fun L. I'm grateful I was the one to discover your name... so I could kill you myself!' Light thought to himself with a smirk.

Light calls Misa's phone, while L picks up the phone call.

"Yes? Hello? " L asked

You snicker to yourself. Ryuk responds the same way as well.

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