You Are Amazing

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Light looked at you in shock. Were you really drinking from a man's cup, the same side he drank from at that? He didn't care much about you in the beginning, but after seeing how your mind worked, he couldn't help but become more interested in you.

"Oh my! I accidentally drank from your cup. My apologies," you say apologetically, covering your hand over your mouth while grinning.

Light looked at you like you were insane. While L was unable to suppress his admiration for you, he was amazed by how you were able to make an observation like that. The fact that you drank from his teacup didn't even phase him.

"N/n, you are incredible. I asked many detectives this scenario and it took them minutes to figure it out. Even Light didn't get it completely right." L glances over at him.

"I'm beyond impressed. You even made an observation that was risky but decided to confront me either way," L stated.

Do I really deserve this praise? I mean, it's kind of like a cheat code, so it's not like I'm lying.

"Woah, it's an honor to be praised by you!" You glance over at Light, noticing his hand clenched into a fist.

He was upset. Upset about how you were smiling at another guy, upset about how you seemed to admire L.

Your eyes slightly widened. Anyone who took a glance at him would guess nothing was wrong, but knowing more about his character, you could clearly tell he was jealous

How is he already jealous? Is this a part of being transported into the world? Will the characters be infatuated by me?

You start to laugh.

"I am simply amazing," you whisper to yourself.

Light and L say at the same time, "you are."

You let out a laugh.

I should be safe from Light for now, and L should not be as suspicious. I will reveal my knowledge of this world when the whole crew is together, to make it more dramatic.

L quickly corrects himself. "Ahem, you both are very impressive."

"But the more impressive we are, the more suspicious you are of us." Light refutes

"For you, Light, there is a 3% chance you are Kira." He ignores Light's reaction and looks at you.

"N/n, you are a very talented individual. Although you seemed more suspicious, I have cleared you of being Kira, I would love to have you on board of the task force, but we would need to know more about you first, "L announced.

You and Light were both taken aback.

"WHAAT?" Light raises his voice

"Finally" You sigh, rubbing your temples.

"Due to her behavior today, she wouldn't behave as boldly as she did today if she was Kira, although I do believe that there is a chance she is involved with Kira." L looks over at Light.

"Besides, we looked more into her background and got more information on her."

You raised your eyebrow.

"Although I don't know what you found, I won't pry. This could also be an attempt to get a reaction out of me, in case I had something to hide. I don't mind, for now, "you responded.

There's no way he found something on me. I don't even know why I'm here.

L looked at you with admiration in his eyes.

Light couldn't help but let a smile slip out. He thought you were amazing. He wanted to find out if you were on his side or L's side as soon as possible.

Even though Light couldn't help but admire you, there would be no way he would get rid of a chance to rule the world for a woman. That was his current mindset. That couldn't possibly change, right?

You weren't oblivious to how Light was staring at you. It was clear he had some sort of feelings towards you, based on his reaction to your interaction with L.

You couldn't help but find his behavior interesting. You let a grin show as well. You were happy that things were starting to go faster.

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