Might as well invite the whole taskforce

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"Hey Matsuda! I'm going out tomorrow and I need someone to come with me. Are you accompany me? " You ask Matsuda on the phone.

"Me?!"Matsuda asked, shocked.

"Yes, that's why I called you," you responded. Although the phrase sounded rude, the tone you used was nice and gentle.

This caused L and Light to look back at you.


A small meow could be heard from your side of the phone

You covered the phone and spoke to those in the car.

"I need stuff for the cat. Let's stop by and get some," you told to L.

"Okay," L agreed. Watari started the car and drove away.

"Sorry about that, anyways, I'll talk to you when I go back to the HQ." You hang up.

Matsuda was on the other side with a smile.

"What are you smiling about?" Mr. Yagami asked

"N/n asked me on a date!" Matsuda said

"A date?" Mr. Yagami asked

Matsuda nodded.

"Yes, she told me she needed to go somewhere tomorrow and asked me to come with her," Matsuda explained.


Back with you:

"I'm going to leave the cat here. Can one of you watch her while I get her stuff?" You ask

They both agree at the same time, leading you to just placing the cat on your seat so the cat could decide

The cat makes its way towards Light, before abruptly pushing its tail towards the hand that was going to pet him and making its way towards L.

L gently held the cat with both arms while the cat got into a comfortable position to close its eyes.

Both you and Light watched the scene unfold. Watari was waiting outside. He had opened the door for you.

"Feeling jealous of a cat right now" you say with a sigh

Light looks up at you with a confused expression. L looks over at you with a surprised expression.

"N/n-" Light was about to respond to your comment.

"Oh?" L asked, getting ready to keep pressing you about the comment.

You look around, slightly embarrassed, but remembering that this isn't the'real world' anymore, so you gain a bit more confidence.

"Would either of you believe me if I said I got possessed?" You asked with a smile.

They both looked even more confused before L spoke up.

"No, I would not," he said smugly.

"What if I said you took my words out of context?" You calmly say

"What did you mean?" Light asked, hoping for you to say you meant something else.

"I mean that L is getting all this attention while Misa and I haven't even- " you got cut off by Light pressing his hand against your mouth.

L looked at you in disbelief, while Light looked at you in shock as well.

"... I think it would be best to move you into your own room," L said.

"I agree," Light said.

You chomp on Lights' hand, leaving a clear mark, before spitting out

"Anyways, I'm staying with Misa. If you don't allow it, I will sob until I can't function anymore." You started a new approach. Instead of threatening them violently or blackmailing them, you chose to threaten to cry.

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