I don't want the shinigami eyes >:(

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In reality, the task force has been in contact with Mello the whole time.But this time, Mr. Yagami was not so willing to leave as soon as possible.

They were all thinking of strategies in order to save you. They figured that they would use the notebook as the last option.

After the 3rd day, Light was getting impatient. He needed you to write names, and he also missed your presence.

They all figured you could handle yourself well, but against a whole gang, they weren't sure.

What they didn't know was that you were being treated like a god here, and you weren't really waiting on them.

You've got to eat a lot of chocolate while also being close to Mello. Mello definitely warmed up to you and became excited to see you.

Mello had stopped threatening your life to the task force, which made them extremely relieved, however, they wondered why

"If you don't give us the notebook, Y/n will be staying with us for the rest of her life," Mello said calmly.

"She told you her name?" Light said, with his teeth clenched.

'Just how close are they?' Light thought to himself.

"Yep, her last name too," Mello said, lying straight in front of everyone.

You were on the other side of the screen, watching Mello speak.

"She would never! She's my girlfriend," Light said possessively.

"Really? How come she doesn't know about this?" Mello asked, smiling.

"The notebook," you say to Mello, trying to bring everyone back on track.

"Right, you don't have much time left. I suggest you bring the notebook soon." Mello said, turning off the screen and facing you.

"What's your last name?" Mello asked.

Is he innocently asking or is he trying to kill me?

"It doesn't matter; why don't you give me your last name so I know what my future surname will be?" You wink, giving fingerguns.

Mello looked at you, amused. He was no longer putting up such a forceful resistance to your flirtatious remarks. Still, he didn't engage in them either.

You start to cough violently.

"What's the matter?" Mello said, walking closer to check on you.

"Is it possible for me to get fresh air? I've been locked here for way too long." You sigh.

You weren't planning on escaping; that was practically impossible. You needed fresh air. You hate being underground.

Mello hesitated. He didn't want to risk the possibility of you escaping.

Do you realize how much I am simping for you? What chance is there of escape?" You ask

"Simping?" Mello asked, unaware of the meaning.

"Fawning over you, adoring you, fangirling, one may say," you responded.

Mello smirked before ordering.

"Someone take her outside!"

He figured there were already cameras aware of where the base was. He didn't want to risk showing his face in front of the cameras. He had already left once; he didn't want to do that again.

"Put your hands behind your back," one of the men ordered. You were about to argue before Mello calmly explained.

"It still needs to appear as if you are the hostage."

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