Guys cmon, you know i was just kidding-SquidWard

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Moving on to the 23rd day

You sat down on the bed.

This is only the 23rd day... can I really keep this up? Would L be upset if I said it was a prank?

You heard the key being turned. You also heard chains being taken off... and planks being taken off?

How many security measures did L take?

"N/n" L simply said your nickname,

"Who are you and why are you keeping me here?" You asked, seemingly cautious.

"This is strange..." L mutters

"N/n, if you don't mind me asking, what do you recall before you appeared here?" L asked suspiciously, appearing as if he didn't believe your act.

Dammit I should have known L was smarter than this.

"Why should I tell you? Who are you and why am I here?!" You raised your voice.

"I see... then, I have placed you under confinement due to the suspicion of you assisting Kira," L said calmly.

"Kira? As in Killer? " You ask

L sighs

"Yes, what do you remember?" L said, seemingly fed up.


"I remember going to school and that's all I can remember..." you say, holding your head.

"If I am a suspect, why am I being treated this well? There's no way the police would give special treatment. Who are you... you "you start off.

This is payback for keeping me here.

"Pervert!" you finish your sentence, leaving L standing there in a daze.

"Pervert..?" L mumbles

"I'll be leaving. I will check up on you tomorrow." L says, leaving without giving you a chance to speak.

That was fun — but what next? Whom should I act like next? I'll figure this out by tomorrow

You prepare to do your daily exercise, which has made a huge impact on your body. You could definitely take down anyone if needed.

You finish eating a few snacks and then prepare to sleep. You get ready to shower, feeling a bit awkward about showering while there was most likely a hidden camera.

Now that I think about it, L put 2 cameras in obvious places. Was that to distract me from the hidden ones?!

You knew this was most likely the case, but you couldn't find anything, so you brushed it off, continuing your nightly routine.

Start of the 24th day:

L did the whole door process again and entered the room.

"Hello Y/n," L said loudly.

Your eyes widen in surprise.

"I said not to call me that!" You yelled

Oh no...

L smirked at you.

Now I have to abandon the whole act... you sigh

It was best to not look guilty or shocked, so you simply returned the favor back to him.

"Hello, Lawliet!" You said, even louder.

L looked like he flinched.

"What are you doing here, Lawliet? Why haven't you visited me Lawliet? "you smirk

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