Misa's Relief

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''With the way things are progressing, I can't afford to be seen with Misa.' Light thought while walking home

"Light!" Misa yelled, jumping on top of Light.

"I'm sorry! I just couldn't wait for 2 weeks like you said. I was actually just on my way to your house when I spotted you,"Misa said excitedly.

Both of them were on the floor, with Misa on top of Light.

'This is the first time in my life I've been provoked to hit a woman' Light thought

"Sorry, I just wanted to see you so badly!" Misa apologized

Light was about to respond but they heard footsteps coming by but suddenly stopped.

"Oh my, is this a bad time?" You asked with a teasing tone.

Light pushed Misa off, leaving Misa on the floor. You scrunch up your eyebrows in displeasure, walking over to Misa

You quickly grab Misa's hand, helping her up, whether she liked it or not.

Misa used her shinigami eyes to see who you were but was confused when she was unable to see your name.

"Who are you?" Misa asked suspiciously.

"Woah, you really can't see my name with your shinigami eyes?" You asked, lowering your voice to avoid suspicion.

Misa let out an audible gasp.

"Who are you? How do you know about my eyes?" Misa sounded more forceful.

"Let's go inside and talk about this." Light sighed.

"No I-" Misa was about to protest, but Light grabbed her hand.

Light and Misa entered the house first, while you were a bit behind.

"Sorry to drop by like this," Misa apologized to Sayu.

Sayu glanced at Misa, still not over the fact that Light cheated on N/n

"Hey...?" You greet Sayu.

"N/n!" Sayu ran over in front of you and greeted you with a smile.

"Are you okay? I didn't expect my brother would be the type to cheat. " Sayu pouted while looking at you with pity.

It seems like Light really did say something about me being his girlfriend

You hid a smile from appearing on your face. This was a perfect opportunity to start something.

You wipe away a fake tear, surprising everyone.

"It's okay... we just weren't meant to be. Who am I to stop love." you say meaningfully.

You look over at Misa.

"Misa... I don't blame you. I won't interfere with you both. I'm rooting for both of you, "you say with a smile, patting Misa on the head.

As if, I'll definitely save Misa, while preventing her death.

"Wow N/n, that's so nice of you." Sayu praised you for your maturity.

"By the way, how come I didn't know we were dating?" You inquired of a stunned Light.

"I-l" Light was about to speak.

Whore behavior

"That's because we didn't," you whispered for Misa to hear.

"He's all yours. Good luck, you'll need it," you wink at Misa, holding her hand.

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