Threatening L

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"As for your part in the agreement, Light, you and I will be together 24/7 and that's how we'll remain until we've brought Kira to justice." L announced

"Good luck with that," you say causally, waving your hand.

"N/n, right now more than ever, I need you to be under surveillance. This time it is a serious matter, "L told you seriously

Uh.. is he joking?

"When did you start getting into comedy?" You asked L with a tight smile.

"N/n, please understand-" L tries to explain

"I already stayed locked up. I'm not doing that again." You sigh.

"N/n-" L attempts to reason with you.

Now he knows how to say my nickname?

"I'm the only one here who has no evidence against them. You locked me up with no evidence, just because you wanted me to stay close to you. That's not happening again." You say that, clearly annoyed at his behavior.

"...what would you like?" L asked after pausing for a few seconds. He didn't expect you to openly announce his reason for confining you.

"You can't keep buying me over. I already have one request you must grant, and I'm fine with that. I have the right to decline this" you reply

"...Actually.. the time being, I agree." You smile, having a plan.

L didn't expect you to yield so quickly.

"Okay..." L agrees suspiciously.

In front of the hotel

"N/n, Ryuzaki called you Y/n. Is that your real name?" Light inquired curiously.

L you really got me in trouble this time.

"What makes you say that?" you laugh uncomfortably.

"You seemed really upset when Ryuzaki said it out loud. When I first met you, you also hesitated to give me your name, "Light said.

Light is really acting like Kira right now.

You sigh

"I have no idea what you are referring to. I need to speak with Ryuzaki. Let me through the door." You try to squeeze through the door since Light was blocking it.

Light grabs your hand to stop you

Why is he acting like this?

You gripped his hand, using half of your strength to squeeze his hand.

"Don't touch me. If you have something to say, then say it," you demanded.

Light grips his hand, supporting it with his other.

'Why does she not trust me?' Light thinks to himself

"Then I'll be leaving now. I'll see you later." you speed walk away.

You entered the room L instructed you to go to. There were no cameras or any electronics. Just a couch to sit on and some sugary food on the coffee table.

"Y/n" L greeted with caution.

"Do you still have the right to call me by that name, Lawliet?" You asked him with an amused smirk.

"..." L remained silent.

You sigh

"Look, I get how you messed up, but I revealed my name to you because I believed in your capability to keep a secret like this. Now you say my real name in front of both Kira suspects!" you tell L impatiently.

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