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I tried to open my eyes ,bright sunlight was making it impossible for me to open my eyes but eventually I managed to open them . And blinked few times to adjust to the light.

When I tried to move. I was not able to move . Then I felt it a hot breath at the back of my neck and shoulder and a strong arm holding my waist so tightly that if he loosened his hold a little I will vanish.

Then it dawned on me that he was spooning and cuddling me. My heart beat increased. At that moment I felt really weird. Because I felt really comfortable and warm in his hold. I tried to wriggle out from his hold but no use. He was strong. And my struggles only increased his hold to become more tight on me.

A low growl from him gives me chills all over my body. And I stopped wriggling. And pretend like I'm still slept.

After couple of minutes which looked like hours. I felt his movement behind my back. And when I just felt he is leaving.

He snuggled his face in the crook of my neck and sniffed from my hair.

My eyes shot open that instant. And I pushed him away. And he fell down on the floor. He groaned in pain. And I immediately stood up from the bed.

As he was not expecting me to push him. He glared at me. And I glared back at him. But a knock on the door startled me .

Andrew stood from the floor his hairs were messy ,his shirt all frizzy. Over all, he looked handsome. Only if he was good from heart as well.

I went towards the door. And stood little behind him. He opened it and from my view I saw a beautiful girl of my age standing there with lots of shopping bags.

I observed her she was wearing a decent knee-length dress and on that she was wearing apron. She might be two to three inches shorter than me. Her hair were black and placed in a neat clean ponytail. Her eyes were black like her hair ,small nose,beautiful features over all she looks the young version of Jess.

Why I haven't seen her before. She never came to me. Might be possible this monster didn't allow her.

My train of thoughts was broken by non other than Andrew. When he closed the door after collecting the bags from that girl.

He then turned towards me and passed me the bags. I frowned when I looked at the bags then at his face. He read my expressions and on that he said.

"These are the cloths and the things of your need." He stated.

I just stared at him. Not giving any reply. Then he put the bags on the bed and headed to the wardrobe took out his suit and put it on the bed then headed to the bathroom.

I sigh in relief. And looked at the bags. I opened them one by one And they were full of all the latest branded cloths. Makeup, all type of products, and undergarments.

My eyes widen when I saw sexy lingerie, night gowns, which to my astonishment were all of my size. Why would I need them. I will never wear these in front of him.

I opened his wardrobe to which one side was empty for my cloths I thought. And I placed all my cloths and every thing in the wardrobe.

I took out the cloths for me and came out. To my surprise Andrew was now where to be seen. So I went to the bathroom. Did my daily routine and shower. Then I wore a pink dress till my thigh and wore black tights and came out.

Suddenly I was about to get out of my skin. When the same girl with bags from earlier came out from the side and scared the hell out of me. I placed my hand on my heart to calm it down a little. And she was laughing all this time. As, if she had planned it to scare me.

When she was done with laughing. She wiped her tears which occurs due to laughing so hard. She then came in front. And said.

"Hi... I'm Elizabeth. But you can call me Eli. And I work here." The girl spoke.

And she gave me her pearly wide smile. And it caused me to smile back.

"Hi. I'm Chloe." I replied.

"I know you very well. I've listened a lot about you."

I frowned, she knows about me but from whom. When, I was about to ask. She spoke again.

"I'm here to do the dressing of your wound." Eli said.

I didn't say any further. And sat on the bed. She did the dressing. I winced a little when it stings. It still hurts a lot. When, she was done. She spoke.

"If you took good care of it. It will be fine soon."

When I was about to answer her she spoke again.

"Oh no! She will kill me. Let's go. Boss is waiting for you on the dinning table."

I looked at her baffled. Will he not lock me in the room anymore. I tried to spoke. But she holds my hand and started dragging me out to the stairs. And lead me to the dinning room. In our walking I managed to ask .

"Who will kill you?" I asked concerned.

"My mom. Now maintain yourself."

She released my hand and I immediately maintained my self. She then started walking into the living room. Then towards dinning area I followed her quietly.

When we reached there I looked at Andrew sitting in first chair of the dining he then through his eyes told me to sit beside him. I quietly moved and sat beside him. Jess brought our breakfast on the table and before leaving she gave me a heart-warming smile.

We both silently ate our breakfast none of us spoke. But I wanted to ask him about how did he got all the cloths of exactly my size. But I ignored it. Not bothering to ask him. Because the bigger things were going on in my mind.

That where are my parents. Did he let then go or he kidnapped them as well.

Clearing of a throat pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked up at him, and he stared at me for a while then spoke.

"As you are my wife. You must follow few rules."

I glared at him. But he with his poker face continued.

"Rule 1 # You'll do all the chores of the house.
Rule 2 # you'll make dinner every night.
Rule 3 # you are not allowed on the third floor.
Rule 4 # your will not use any phone in the house.
Rule 5 # And don't Even think of escaping.
Because that will lead you to your parents suffering."

He said with a smirk. My heart squeezed at the mentioning of my parents.

"Where are my parents?"

I asked without stammering and tried to sound strong. He smirked and said.

"They are under my watch. But they are fine yet!"

I looked at him more like glared at him .

"You've married me. Then why are you still keeping them. Let them go."

"I've married you. That doesn't mean I consider you my wife. You are nothing to me but just a mere slave ."

A tear left my eyes. And I abruptly stood up to slap him. But he was fast enough to hold my wrist before it could touch his face.

He looked at me ferociously. And yanked me towards him. I collided with his chest. I tried to move back, but he didn't let me moved. And came near my ear and whispered.

"Follow all the rules. Because, you will not like the punishments. Love."

With that said he left. And I collapsed on the seat holding my head.

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