110 | Make It Gold

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THE BELL RINGS AND everyone runs to their room so they could attend their homeroom class, but as everyone was running down the hallway, they couldn't help but steal a glance at a certain student who walked past them, proudly wearing three brooches of a crown on his collar.

     Max was back in J.S High, and this time, there wasn't anything that would interfere anymore. He spent his time at the company during the weekend, attending meetings and working on proposals and projects.

     Despite getting his inheritance back, Max decided that he'll work twice as hard as he did before. He had to prove to everyone that he wasn't just a kid who went on a tantrum because something was taken away from him. He had to make them realize that the chairman seat was made for him.

     Another thing that changed was his relationship with Denzel. They weren't entirely on good terms with each other, but they weren't vicious towards each other anymore. Denzel would consult with Max regarding the business now, and he'd sometimes call him during meetings too. Honestly, they were more like business partners than father and son, but it was still progress nonetheless.

     "Max is here!" A voice shouts as soon as Max enters his classroom.

     Everyone in their room couldn't help but look at him, especially when Max was now able to acquire Cigarette's brooch too. But as everyone was staring at him, Max spots Felix instead who was waving happily at him.

     Felix was talking to Ervin before Max arrived. Even though they've been friends for a while now, Max still feels weird seeing them together, especially when Ervin was a known bully in their year and Felix was a loser.

     Max waves back at his friends and heads to his seat so he could put his bag down, but then he notices that his seatmate - Ari - was nowhere to be found.

     "It's rare for you to come here first before Ari," someone says, and Max turns around and sees Ervin and Felix walking towards him.

     "Am I that much of a bad student?" Max asks as he takes a seat and looks back at Ervin who leaned on Ari's empty table while Felix stood beside him with his arms crossed.

     "If barely attending your classes and getting suspended for three days make you a bad student then yes Max, you are," Felix teases, but Max only laughs it off.

     "Anyway, what did you guys do this weekend?" Felix then asks.

     Max pulls out his notebook and pen from his bag and answers Felix's question. "I just went to the company like normal. Since I got my position back just recently, I had a lot to work on."

     "Seriously? You didn't even go shopping or eat out at least?" Felix asks, and Max instantly remembered his friendly dinner with the vice president last Friday night. Of course, for his own good, and to save Gavriil from the questions that would be bombarded at him, he decided not to tell them anything.

     "Nope, didn't do anything like that at all," Max lies, dodging the question so Felix wouldn't ask him anything further. "How about you Mr. Campbell? What have you been up to?"

    "Oh you know, attend meetings with my mother, study, plan how to take over the world, you know...the basic stuff," Felix says before looking back at Ervin. "And how about you big fella? Did you do anything interesting over the weekend?"

     "Well, unlike you guys, my weekend wasn't so interesting. I had my training, attended a seminar, and yesterday I went to a bar with some friends. That's pretty much it," Ervin explains.

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