142 | Revelations

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THE STAFF INSIDE THE restaurant were all scrambling around the place, making sure every little thing was perfect. The owner of the restaurant called them yesterday, and it seemed like VIP customers were arriving soon. The owner emphasized how important these guests were, so everything had to be perfect.

     "Are all the dishes ready!?" the restaurant manager asks before running out to where the other customers are to check if there were any other problems. The customers who were waiting were all confused as to why everyone looked so tense, but at the same time, they couldn't help but be curious.

     "Is the queen coming or something?" One of the customers jokingly asks before sipping her wine.

     Three servers then went to the entrance, wearing the best uniforms they had, while the host, who has constantly been looking at his watch, takes a deep breath before standing still near the door, ready to welcome the important guest.

     After a few minutes, the first guest finally arrived. He arrived in a luxury car that made everyone stop eating just so they could catch of glimpse of who the supposed VIP was.

    "They're here?! Why are they early?!" The restaurant manager panics before clearing his throat and calming himself down.

     The luxurious car parks in front of the restaurant. The driver then hurriedly heads out of the car to open the back door. After a while, someone finally emerges. It was a tall and handsome man wearing a black suit with a black turtle neck inside that was matched with his perfectly charming smile.

     Everyone couldn't look away. Even those who were only passing by outside stopped just to take a look.

     "Isn't that...Hans de Vries? He's rumored to be a part of Crème de la crème, right?" One of the customers asks as Hans steps inside the restaurant like he was some kind of celebrity.

     "Mr. de Vries, good afternoon. Y-You're early,"  the host nervously says.

     Hans looks around the restaurant with a serious face. When he sees one of the customers looking at him, he winks at them before looking back at the host. "I like being early, is there a problem with that?" He casually answers. 

     "Well, t-that's not a problem at all...sir. Please, just follow one of our servers here and he'll lead you to the VIP room," the host says with a wide smile that could strain his cheeks if he wouldn't lose it up a bit.

     "Am I the first one here?" Hans then asks, and the host nodded his head as an answer.

     As Hans finally followed one of the servers to the VIP room, another car arrives. Everyone was once again curious to see who it might be this time, and they were honestly expecting another CEO's son to arrive considering how the first guest was Hans. Everyone was waiting patiently, but to their surprise, a famous person's face welcomes them instead.

     It was River Karlsson, who everyone knew as Sky Hansen.

     Due to the safety of their family's personal life, their family decided to continue keeping Sky's identity while everything settles down, so River will be forced to act as Sky for the time being. This also means that he had to cover the scar on his face again with jet-black shades.

     "Holy shit it's Sky."

     "That's Sky, the famous model."

     "He's friends with Hans de Vries?"

     People started pulling out their phones to take a photo of the charming "Sky" who—unlike Hans—was wearing much more casual clothes. And since River still wasn't used to being seen by people, he didn't really know how to act, so he awkwardly smiled at the people who were waving at him before heading inside the restaurant as well where he was welcomed by the staff.

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