181 | Be Our Guest

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FOR THE FIRST TIME since J.S High was built, the gates of this breathtaking house were open to welcome students from eleven different schools. Dozens of buses arrived on the campus, dropping off students who wore different uniforms while the members of the Elites greeted them with bright smiles.

     "Welcome to J.S High our dear guests!" The Elites greeted while the guests entered the Keep.

     The students couldn't help but look at the building with awe, especially since J.S High is built to look like a castle. It was definitely a beautiful structure that even the rich couldn't help but admire.

     "Welcome everyone," Ian says as the guests all gathered in the main lobby of the Keep. "My name is Ian Rothman, the president of the student council called Elites. We are honored to have you all visit our beloved campus."

     Gavriil, who was standing beside Ian, then takes a step forward and looks back at everyone as well. "My name is Gavriil Alexeev, the vice president of the Elites. And like what our dear president has said, I am also thankful for your visit."

     "While we know that you are excited to look around, your tour is scheduled for tomorrow, so for now, we will be bringing you to the stadium so we could officially welcome you," Ian says, and the Elites started guiding the guests to the stadium where the rest of the students are waiting.

     The mood was festive as some of the students were excited to know more about J.S High, while others were acting like they didn't really care.

     "This isn't a big deal. I can't believe they were chosen to host this year's convention," one of the students from Foxberry High School stated while looking around the campus with a bored expression.

    "You guys aren't excited? Well, you should be. This is the school of the man who beat us in Mr. Brains & Brawn after all," someone suddenly says.

    The student from Foxberry got annoyed and was about to say something, but when he turned around, his eyes immediately opened in shock. "Kingston Creed!" He shouts, and Kingston—the boy from Westberg Academy (Max's old school) who placed third in Mr. Brains & Brawn—stared back at him with a grin, immediately making him move away from him.

    Kingston chuckled at the reaction and looked around at the building again. "Where the hell are we? I feel like I'm back in medieval times," Kingston then comments while putting his hands inside his pocket. While he was walking with the crowd, someone suddenly ran to him and draped his hands around his shoulder. "Kingston! Long time no see!"

    Kingston looked at his side and saw the ever-so-charming Magnus McKay from Westminster College who was also a contestant in the pageant. When Kingston saw that it was only him, he pushed his arm away from his shoulder and looked at him with annoyance.

     "I'm sorry but who are you?" Kingston sarcastically asks, and Magnus just laughed it off because he knew that Kingston was only pretending not to remember him.

     "Come on, we were like a team during Mr. Brains & Brawn, why are you acting so cold now?" Magnus asked, but Kingston continued to ignore him.

     "By the way, I found this guy too," Magnus then says before pulling someone towards them. It was Li Gengxin from Lincoln International High school who was also the same student who helped Max and Keigo during their recent task.

    "Oh, it's Gengxin. How's it been, man?" Kingston suddenly asks, reaching out to shake his hand in which Gengxin respectfully took.

     "Seriously?! Why does Gengxin get a handshake while I get a cold shoulder?" Magnus complained, but then the two ignored him as they started talking to each other like Magnus was invisible.

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