250 | Mr. Congeniality

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"I'M SURE YOU HAVE a lot of plans in store, especially now that you know Nicolàs Vega is here, but as a member of the Gaffers Division, I'd rather not hear it for my own safety," Asahi says with his usual blank expression, making Max laugh. He didn't want to purposely involve Asahi in his plans, but the gaffer doesn't have a choice if he's keen on helping him.

     "Don't worry, I have something else for you," Max says, adjusting himself on the bench so he can face Asahi properly. "But before that...why on earth didn't you give me a heads up on what type of school St. George Academy is? You should have given me at least a tip to prepare myself."

     "What did you want me to say? Did you want me to say something like, 'By the way, we have tax collections every month, you can offer money to get points, and gaffers practically rule the school.' Do you think that would have helped?" Asahi asked back, and Max couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not.

     "To be honest, that would have hit the nail."

     "Please, even if I explained the situation, you still wouldn't be able to comprehend how fucked up this school is until you see it for yourself. Even I'm surprised I'm still here."

     "Then why are you still here?" Max then asks, and Asahi finally closes his mouth and decides not to say anything about it.

     "You warned me about the storm before, and you're also the one who told me that someone in our house might lose the reranking. You also wanted me to become the representative so I can be sent here for the Exchange Program," Max explains as Asahi looks away from him. "You know so much about the future. It makes me wonder how much information Uchdryd Rease really has."

    As soon as Max mentioned that leader's name, Asahi instantly looked back at him with his eyes wide in shock. "H-How did you find out?" He asks him. "Did Felix Campbell tell you?" He asks further, making Max confused this time because he wasn't expecting Asahi to mention him.

     "So Felix knew about your secret, too? I should have known," Max says in surprise, making Asahi sigh because he casually just let that slip. "Well, I don't know when you two talked, but no, it wasn't Felix. But that's not really important now. What's important is I know you're on my side on this. Well, are you?"

     Asahi stares at Max, who is waiting for his answer. But as he looked at the serf, Asahi couldn't help but remember their time at the pageant. Max is definitely a remarkable boy, and that's something that Asahi witnessed firsthand. He saw how Max lured people in to be on his side. He saw how he was dedicated to everything he did, and he believed in people who don't even believe in themselves.

     Asahi might not be the type to trust people either, but if it's someone like Max, then he can definitely trust him.

     "I'm on your side," Asahi genuinely answers, and it's up to Max if he's gonna believe him on that or not. Thankfully, Max looked like he did believe him.

     "You know, during the pageant, I was a little frustrated that you gave up without an actual fight. You insisted that I deserved to win the title, but for me, I felt like I was lacking. But thinking back, you told me before I won that you hoped I'd return the favor. Was this the favor that you were referring to? Were you already hoping that I'd help St. George Academy in some way?" Max asks him.

     "Yes," Asahi answers with no hesitation or shame.

     "That's a lot of pressure," Max jokingly says next, but Asahi doesn't laugh, which makes Max sigh and adjust in his seat again.

     "I never expected the House of Bishops to be like this, but now I understand why you're all so eager to bring me here. To be honest, this would have been a lost cause, but I saw the hope in the serfs' eyes, and that's why I decided to help. And that's why I need you to do something for me," Max finally voices, and Asahi nods his head, not saying anything as he listens attentively to what the heir has to say.

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