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MAX STARES AT ASAHI in complete shock. He couldn't think of the right words to say after what the boy just revealed to him. At first, Max was confused, and then he became doubtful. But after a while, when the information finally sunk in, Max was left completely speechless.

     "H-How did...how did you know about this? Are you even certain?" Max asks.

     "If it's the certainty we're talking about, then no, we are not certain yet. But the leader of the brotherhood I follow believes that it is so. The possibility of it happening is high, so I suggest you ready yourself now before anything happens," Asahi finishes. He got ready to head out of the restroom, but then Max grabbed his arm to stop him.

     "Who?" He asks. "Who is it?"

     Asahi looks at Max and stares at Max's hand holding onto his arm before looking back at his face again. "I don't know," he simply answers.

     Max finally lets go of Asahi's arm, letting him leave. As soon as he walks away, Max takes a deep breath and holds onto his chest, unsure of how he'll be able to process this information. But despite his uncertainties, Max understood why Asahi would reveal this to him. It's not to change anything, but it's to get ready for the storm that will definitely fall upon them.

     "Max?" A voice suddenly calls out, snapping Max back to his senses.

     Max turns his head and sees Keigo walking through the doorframe.

     "You okay?" He asks him.

     "Y-Yeah, I'm fine."

     "Well, we're already being called to the gate. Let's go," Keigo says, and Max nods his head as the two of them head out of the restroom.

     After the unexpected conversation they had, Max and Asahi acted as if nothing had happened. Max never opened it up, so both of them just stayed quiet about the topic. They're here to enjoy the trip, after all, and Max doesn't want to spoil it for everyone by acting all weird.

     After gathering together again and passing through the gates with no worries, all of them got to the plane without a fuss. Most of them were still very bumped out about having to sit in economy, but there was no point acting like a spoiled brat now, so they all just quietly sat on their designated seats.

     "Max, would you like to switch seats with me so you could sit on the window side?" Ari asks, even though it's obvious that he's more excited about sitting near the window.

     "No, you can take that seat. I'll sit in the middle," Max answers, and Ari quietly rejoices before sitting down.

      Max smiles at Ari like he is his kid before sitting in the middle seat. Max was trying to forget about what Asahi told him earlier, so to distract himself, he took the pamphlets in front of him and started reading them. But while he was reading, someone suddenly took a seat beside him, grunting in annoyance so Max would know that he wasn't happy with the sitting arrangements one bit.

     "If you have a problem, Kingston, you can say it to my face," Max says, looking away from the pamphlet so he can look at Kingston Creed, who even had his arms crossed to show his disdain.

     "I'm already not thrilled with the idea of being in an economy class, but now I have to sit with you? That's just great," Kingston sarcastically says, making Max glance at Keigo, who's the culprit for the said arrangements.

     When Keigo sees Max looking, he smiles at him and gives him a thumbs up, making Max sigh and massage his temple. It seems like Keigo made a wrong impression and thought that Kingston and Max were close since Max studied at Westberg Academy before.

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