221 | Desperate Desire

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THE ENTIRE STADIUM WAS in complete silence as everyone's eyes were on the screen that showed the logo of the brotherhood, Revels. Even the students in the lower houses couldn't utter a single word. It was almost like the entire world was put on mute.

     "For the remaining members of Revels, an exit has now been open for you. Please leave the grounds immediately," the female voice announces, but the white uniforms still didn't say a thing. It felt like they were all in a dream, and they hadn't realized it yet. Even Checkmates, the Gallants, and the other brotherhoods in the stadium were left speechless.

     "N-No way," Ruby Rose, the leader of the Scarlet Letter, says in shock while staring at Revel's logo. She then turns to Hee-joon, and despite knowing that at the end of the day, this is a competition, Ruby still couldn't help but feel some sort of pain inside her chest. After all, just like Checkmate, Scarlet Letter was once a brotherhood in the House of Kings, and like them, they once served PHD as their princes.

     "Rose, we have to go," one of Ruby's members then says as they hold onto her arm.

    Ruby turns to the members of Revels this time, who are happily walking towards the exit after successfully securing a spot inside J.S High. Ruby can only take a deep breath and clench her fist. As she said earlier, this is still a competition. "Alright, let's go. There's at least one last rank left."

     As Ruby and her team ran back to their base, Master Joker and the rest of the jesters were frozen in place after finding out that the fifth spot had now been taken. For others, this won't be much of a problem as they still have a chance to enter the House of Kings, but for Jokers, this meant a totally different thing.

     The fifth spot was now taken, and there were still two brotherhoods left from J.S High.

     "Mj!" Brave suddenly shouts, making Krist blink and realize that Brave has actually been calling out for him since the announcement was made. "Snap out of it! Tell us what we have to do. Whatever it is that you decide, we will follow you no matter what."

     Krist looks at his right-hand man and then back at his members. He knew what Brave meant with those words. He knew that they were prepared for the path that their leader would take if it were for the betterment of their house.

     "I...I..." Krist couldn't even think straight as he looked around the battle ground. They were so close to their base, and if they ran there now while everyone was in a state of shock, they'd have a higher chance to take the last spot. But when Krist looked at the white uniforms, who were all still silently watching in their seats, Krist knew exactly what he was supposed to do.

     "We'll have to grab Joon," Krist finally decides. "Brave and I will grab his useless ass and take him to their base; I'll fucking carry him if I have to. The rest of you inform the other members of PHD and make sure the others don't finish first."

     "Yes, Master Joker," the jesters answered with no hesitation.

    Krist was about to make a run for it too, but then Brave stopped him first. "Mj, I know I said we'll follow you no matter what, but are you sure about this? Are you a hundred percent sure about this? Do you even know what this would mean, especially to us?"

     "Brave, I've never been so sure as I am now, so let's not waste any more time thinking of consequences. We'll worry about that when we're in the House of Bishops," Krist replies, and Brave can only nod his head, trusting the hard decision their leader had to make.

     While the rest of the members of Jokers started attacking the other brotherhoods again, Brave and Krist finally got to where Joon was. Joon was lying on a bridge, already bleeding all over, while his eyesight was starting to get even worse to the point where the only thing he could see was light. He was so weak that the other brotherhoods weren't even attacking him anymore.

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