240 | Bluff

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"HE CAN'T DO THIS to us!" The secretary of the Saints, Perseus Odair, shouts as he slams his hands on the table, the other members of the council staring directly at him while they conduct an emergency meeting in their office.

     "Calm down," Vice President Levi then says.

     "Calm down?! That leader just disrespected us and threatened to remove us from our own house, and you expect me to calm down?!" Perseus exclaims before turning to their president, who seems to be thrilled about the whole situation instead of panicking like the others. "And you. How could you embarrass me in front of the white uniforms and the brotherhoods? We are the Saints. You should be the last person to tarnish our image."

     "Tarnish our image? You should have thought about that before causing an unnecessary scene," Justice fires back.

      Perseus was about to pounce on him in complete anger, but thankfully, their Saints Treasurer, 4th-year student Adam Hall, grabbed his arm and pulled the secretary back in his seat.

     "The vice is right. We should calm down," Adam says with an almost commanding tone. And as much as Perseus wants to let out some steam, he takes a deep breath and does what he's told.

      "We're having this meeting because of what happened with Kim Hee-joon at the Dining Hall. As all of us know, PHD's real brotherhood custom is their infamous banquet," Adam says, glancing at Levi before looking back at the others. "But other than the banquet, President Janus gave them a unique ability, and that is the Prince's Law. This gave PHD the power to control the fate of the white uniforms who they deem unfit to the standards of J.S High, which is truly a terrifying ability."

      "And that's where the problem lies," School Representative Martin Osborn comments. "This law should only apply to J.S High, right? Which means that it doesn't mean anything here. If you ask me, I call all this a bluff. We shouldn't even be talking about this and wasting our time on a supposed law that isn't even implemented in St. George Academy."

     "He looked too confident for it to be a bluff," President Justice then says. "I might not know Kim Hee-joon enough, but I know he won't make a fool out of himself like that. If you have forgotten, he was a prince for the longest time and was even once king with C1A. Someone like him doesn't make bluffs."

     "But it doesn't make any sense," Treasurer Adam retaliates. "First of all, they got demoted as lord, which means he's no longer a prince. And second of all, they're now in the House of Bishops. The Prince Law shouldn't apply here. He shouldn't—"

     "It shouldn't apply here," Levi quickly interrupts. "But it did, and we just saw it happen. President Janus gave Kim Hee-joon a condition when using that law. The fact he is still able to use the Prince Law means that the condition still applies here."

     "And what condition could that be?" Justice asks, genuinely curious.

      But as much as Leviathan wanted to answer, he couldn't. The conversation that Joon had with Janus was confidential. No one knew what happened during that meeting, but all they knew was that after it happened, Janus declared the Prince's Law. Levi once asked Joon about it, but Joon never mentioned the conditions to anyone. It was a secret he never dared share.

      "But I understand everyone's concerns. We have to confirm this first," Levi states before turning to their president. "And as the President of the Saints, you should decide on this now. Do we wait and consider this threat as a bluff for the time being? Or do we make a move now? What do you think?"

     The calm expression of Justice's face slowly turns into something serious as he looks at the members of the Saints. As a gaffer, Justice should be doing everything he can to protect the Gaffers Division. But as a council president...

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