256 | Lemiuex Family

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"LET US WELCOME THE Lemieux family," Denzel says as soon as the door opens. Everyone turned around while the Sinclaires had their mouth wide in shock. Janus and Janet, on the other hand, glance at each other before looking down to hide their grins. The look on their relatives' faces almost made them laugh out loud.

     "D-Did I just...hear it right?" Hans asks in shock as a spotlight is shone at the entrance.

     While everyone was waiting for people to enter, the photographers looked away from the Sinclaire family and ran to the door. The hall was completely silent as they waited, but as soon as three figures stepped inside, everyone's jaw dropped.

     "It's Leigh and—"

     Maximillian Leigh Sinclaire, wearing a white suit, his hair perfectly waxed back, and his neck displaying the Lemieux family necklace, walks inside the hall with a confident smile. He held onto his chest and slowly bowed to the guests, who immediately smiled at his presence. Max was well-loved by the public and the business world. He was both respected and feared. And their admiration for him showed, especially after he got his inheritance back.

     "It's our best friend Gav! Look at him! He looks so good!" Cindy fangirls while holding onto Gavriil's arm and shaking it.

     Gav chuckles, but then he stares at Max and puts on a soft smile. Proud was even an understatement. "Leigh," he whispers under his breath.

     Scarlet pulled her phone out and started taking pictures of Max while Hans, Vesper, and even Elijah clapped for him along with the other guests.

     "He really knows how to make an entrance," Vesper says as Max waves at the crowd before turning back around. Everyone was confused about what he was doing, but then, someone suddenly reached out to grab his hand for support. The figure stepped inside the hall, and at that moment, everyone's eyes widened in shock.

    The hall became completely quiet, while other families couldn't help but let a tear fall. Eventually, the guests started bowing one by one, showing great respect to the unexpected guest.

     "A-Am I seeing it right...That's—" Scarlet slowly puts her phone down, her mouth wide open in shock as a chill runs down her spine. Everyone was bowing their heads to this person like they were royalty. Well, in fact, they probably might as well be. Because in this world where business is like the monarchy, the woman standing before them is none other than the wife of the king who once ruled them all.

     [Flashback, before the party]

     "Wow, look at you," Marcus said as he entered the room where Max was in. Max was being assisted by his loyal butler, Étienne, who helped him put on the white suit he was wearing. When Max found out that the Sinclaires were wearing black and red, Max was surprised to see the white tuxedo. But what really surprised him the most was the initials written on the card.

     From, Denzel S.

     The fact that his father made him wear something that would purposely make him stand out meant that Denzel had planned something. He was going to put on a show, and Max was honestly surprised to be part of it. Max doesn't have the best relationship with his father, but if it's a way for them to impress people, Max doesn't mind playing the part. After all, Max outside J.S High is a lot more arrogant.

     "You're wearing it proudly now," Marcus points out while gesturing at the necklace that Max wore. "You started wearing it when you enrolled in J.S High, but you ended up hiding it underneath your shirt. I was starting to get worried."

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