119 | Let's Talk

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THE HOUSE OF KINGS felt eerie when Max stepped out of his car. Étienne told Max to enjoy his day like how he always does, but for some reason, it felt different. Something was definitely off, and the fact that the white uniforms were staring at him made Max certain that something bad had happened.

     "Did a news article post something about me again? But if that was the case then Étienne would have told me about it," Max asks himself in confusion as he continued to walk down the corridors of Hall of Caelus where the sophomore classes are.

     When Max finally arrived at their classroom, he was instantly welcomed by Ari who has been waiting for him since he first arrived.

     "Max!" He shouts, grabbing Max by the arm and pulling him to the back of the room where Ervin and Felix were.

      Before Max could even ask what the fuss was about, Ari pushes his finger against Max's lips and shushes him, surprising Max even more. "I know you have a lot of things to say, but first we want you to listen, comprendo?"

      Max's eyes were wide from confusion, but he nods his head anyway until Ari pulls his finger away from him. He then gestured at Ervin to explain the situation to Max, so Ervin looks at their confused friend and seriously explains, "Yesterday you were at the House of Queens, right? Well, shit just went down here yesterday."

     "Elaborate please because shit happens to this house all the time," Max then says.

     "What we're trying to say is—" Just when it was Felix's turn to speak, a loud siren sound was suddenly heard throughout their campus, surprising not only Max but the rest of his classmates as well.

     "W-What's going on? Is this what you were trying to say?" Max asks, but the look on his friends' faces made him realize that they don't know anything about this brotherhood battle either.

     "We don't know what's going on either, but let's just find out ourselves," Ari says before walking in front of the class since he's the class representative. "Alright everyone, line up outside and follow the next class to the stadium. And no talking or I'll staple your mouths shut!" Ari shouts, and everyone stopped what they're doing to do what Ari said.

     As Class II-A walks their way to the stadium, wondering who the two challengers might be, Ervin's phone suddenly vibrates. He immediately takes it out of his pockets, and to his surprise, he received a message from Jokers.

      "You got to be fucking kidding me," Ervin says, making Max and the rest of his friends look back at him.

     "What's wrong?" Felix asks.

     Ervin sighs and hides his phone away before saying, "I just received the announcement. Apparently, the brotherhoods who are battling today are Jokers and Cigarettes."

     "What?!" Max, Ari, and Felix shout in unison, making their classmates look at them since Ari just told everyone that they're not allowed to talk. But of course, as much of an asshole as Ari can be, he just glares at them, eventually making them look away in anger.

     "Jokers and Cigarettes? Why all of a sudden?" Ari asks in confusion.

     "Is this what you guys were trying to tell me earlier?" Max then asks, but Ervin shakes his head and clarifies, "No, this had nothing to do with what happened yesterday...or I think it doesn't."

      "So what the fuck really happened?" Max asks for the last time.

     Felix takes a deep breath and moves close to Max before finally explaining yesterday's events.

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